Programme SAP HMXUSARPBS - Program for SAR data initial loading

Before the bi-monthly running of the SAR-ISSSTE Contributions report(HMXCSARPBS), you must carry out a data loading procedure using thelatest data files that the company has sent through the SIRI system, inorder to maintain table PAPBSMXSARC, which is used identify employeetransactions. You should only run this initial SAR data load reportonce, before using report HMXCSARPBS.
For example, if you start generating the files (Attachment A andAttachment B) using the standard SAP repòrt (HMXCSARPBS) in the 01.2005two-monthly period, you must have loaded the files for the 06.2005two-monthly period using report HMXUSARPBS.

We recommend that you save place both the contribution data file and theemployee maintenance files in the C:\temp folder, so that the inputfields will be able to read the length of their names correctly.

The two files to be loaded, which are specified in the selectionparameters, must correspond to the two-monthly period that is reported.