Programme SAP HMXUACTPBS - Personnel Action Report

Government employers must notify an authority, such as ISSSTE, allevents occurred in their institution concerning changes in monthly basicquotation wage(BQW) of employees who are obligated to contribute to theauthority. These events, or actions, to be considered are categorizedinto three types: hiring, termination and change in pay event. Thenotification to be sent to the authority is in the form of threeseparate magnetic files, one file for each type of event. This programfinds events and generates the magnetic files containing informationabout them.
After the magnetic files have been generated, they will be sent to theauthority. Via the file, the authority is notified of any hiring,termination and change in pay affecting the monthly BQW of employees inthe institution.
Hiring and termination events are detected through infotype 0000 Actionsand infotype 0369 Social Security Data; Change in pay events aredetected through infotype 0008 Basic Pay, 0014 RecurringPayments/Deductions and 0015 Additional Payments and table T7MX62'Minimum wages of economic zones'.

1. Set up feature for mapping of hiring and termination action type ininfotype 0000 Actions to ISSSTE-defined action type.
2. Set up feature for mapping of appointment type field value to thevalue to appear in magnetic file.
MXAPP: ISSSTEAppointment Type
3. Implement BADI for ISSSTE Action Report - Salary, if the method ofcalculating salary to be used in the basic quotation wage calculationfor ISSSTE, SAR and total salary for the institution is different fromthe default method the report provided which uses the sum of wage typeamounts from infotype 0008, 0014 and 0015. See the documentation of BADIHRPBSMX001 (BADI for ISSSTE Action Report - Salary) for moreinformation.
4. Implement BADI for ISSSTE Action Report - Charge Code, if the methodof forming the charge code for the enterprise is defferent from thedefault method provided by the report. The default charge code takes itsvalue from the object abbreviation of employee's job (infotype 0001field STELL), if exists. Otherwise, it takes the value of employee's jobtitle. See the documentation of BADI HRPBSMX002 (BADI for ISSSTE ActionReport - Charge Code) for more information.
3. Create additional entries in table T539J for valuated wage typesISAL, SSAL and TSAL, as appropriate. ISAL, SSAL and TSAL are valuatedwage types for basic quotation wage for ISSSTE, SAR and for totalsalary, respectively.
It is important to note that the same set of wage types specified inpayroll through processing class to be the set of wage types forming thebasis of ISSSTE and SAR contribution calculation and total salary mustbe all specified here in table T539J as well.
See also IMG steps "Payroll: Mexico/Suplementos sector publicoMexico/Seguridad social/Configuracion del reporte de MovimientosAfiliatorios ISSSTE".
,,Before the first execution of the program HMXUACTPBS, the uploadprogram HMXUUAHPBS must have been succesfully executed in real mode onceto upload all historical actions into databases which will be used laterby the program HMXUACTPBS.
,,See documentation of the program HMXUUAHPBS for more information.
,,In the system, there must exist wage types ISAL, SSAL and TSAL. Theyare valuated wage types forming from base wage types present ininfotypes 0008, 0014 and 0015. These valuated wage types are used in theprogram for the calculation of basic quotation wages for ISSSTE, SAR andtotal salary, respectively. Base wage types forming valuated wage typesISAL, SSAL and TSAL must have been specified previously in table T539J.
Note that it is important to have the same set of base wage types bothin calculation of contribution basis in payroll and in the table T539Jfor ISAL, SSAL and TSAL valuated wage types used in this report, whereISAL is equivalent to basis for ISSSTE contribution, SSAL to basis forSAR contribution and TSAL to total salary.
,,Each magnetic file contains certain required and non-required datafrom employee's infotype records. When the report is run, it willprocess one or more employees. If required data of one employee aremissing, the absence is treated as an error and the magnetic filecontaining action record of that employee will not be generated in realmode running of the report. If the non-required data are missing, theabsence will only generate warnings and the magnetic file will begenerated, in real mode running. Note that all three types of magneticfiles are generated in one same program execution, when the run is inreal mode and with no errors in all magnetic files. If one magnetic filehas errors and is not being generated as a result, this will preventother magnetic files from being generated as well.
Note that to be considered for processing by the report, as a minimum,an employee must have infotype 0369 'Social Security Data'. Allemployees with no infotype 0369 record will be rejected by the report,i.e. no further processing for the employee. If the employee hasinfotype 0369 record, only those hiring, termination and change in payevents that occurred when the infotype 0369 obligation status of theemployee is not of type 'Exempt from Contribution Obligation' will beprocessed. Furthermore, only those events that occurred while theemployee has an active employment status are considered.

Note that when the button 'Read TemSe File' on the selection screen ispushed, not all the fields of the selection screen are available to theuser. To get back the full set of fields again, the user will push thebutton 'Save as TemSe'.
Time period
The time selection parameter on the selection screen represents the timeperiod during which if the infotype records of the employee areavailable, the employee will be processed.
Person selection
Personnel number to be processed are specified in the person selectionof the selection screen, which also contains additional person selectionparameters such as payroll area. Other person selection parameters canbe found under 'Further selections'. If no person selection criteria arespecified, all employees are selected.
Temorary Sequential File (TemSe)
A TemSe is used to save the results of the program execution. Whenexecuting the program, the user has two choices regarding saving to aTemSe file. One option is to execute the report to find all actions andthen save results into a TemSe file. Another is to execute the programonly to display the results of an earlier execution of the report whichwere saved in a TemSe.
To save the results in a TemSe file, the user will push the button 'Saveas TemSe' on the selection screen, before executing the program. In theTemSe file name that appeared, the user will enter the name of the TemSefile destination.
To read from a TemSe file, the user will push the button 'Read TemSeFile' on the selection screen, before executing the program. In theTemSe file name that appeared, the user will enter the name of the TemSefile to be read from.
Branch name
If entered here, branch name text will later appear in the header ofconsolidated list output of the report. Example of branch name is:'BRANCH: 09120 CAMINOS Y PUENTES FEDERALES. Also see section 'OUTPUT' ofthis document.
Notification date
Certain information about an action record reported to ISSSTE is kept indatabase tables used by the report. Among the information kept,notification date is one of them and its value is specified here on theselection screen by the user when running the report. Notification dateis the date the magnetic files being generated will be sent to ISSSTE.There is no restriction on the value entered for this date and it willnot appear in any output of the program. In test mode running of thereport, notification date is not needed.
Test mode or real mode running
The report can be run in test mode which means magnetic files will neverbe generated and databases will not be updated. In real mode, only whenno errors exist, magnetic files will be generated and databases will beupdated.
If the report finished running with errors, no magnetic files will begenerated regardless of whether the report was run in test or real mode.To run the report in test mode, check the check box. To run in realmode, uncheck it.
Note that in real mode, if errors exist for a type of action, not onlythat the magnetic file of that action type will not be generated butmagnetic files of other action types will not be generated as well, evenwhen other action types do not have errors themselves. In effect, inreal mode, all files will be generated at the same time when all actiontype processing contain no errors.
The user can save results to a TemSe file in both test or real moderunning, and also in online or background execution. In backgroundexecution, saving to a TemSe file is mandatory. If the program isexecuted online and in real mode, supplying names of the magnetic tapesare mandatory, regardless of whether the results are being saved toTemSe or not.
Note that if the user executes the program in test mode, where nodatabases would be updated, and saves the result into a TemSe, thenthat TemSe can only be read back in test mode. Since, in real mode, theuser intends to generate the magnetic files, the TemSe that wasgenerated in test mode cannot be used later on to generate magneticfiles. Only TemSe file generated in real-mode execution can be usedlater to generate magnetic files.
File name
The file name refers to the file name of the output magnetic file. Inreal mode, because the magnetic files will be generated, the file namesare required. In test mode, however, supplying names are not mandatorysince in test mode no magnetic tapes will be generated anyway.
Renotification selection
Records which have been included once in a magnetic file can beprocessed and reported to the authority such as ISSSTE again. If it isdecided that the report should process as well previously reportedactions, the renotification check box should be checked on the selectionscreen. If this check box is unchecked, only records which have neverbeen included in magnetic files will be processed when the program runs.Note that when the check box is checked, both the previously reportedactions and actions which have never been reported previously will beprocessed.
Include change in minimum wage
Change in basic quotation wage can originate from change in pay inmaster data records (infotype 0008, 0014 and 0015) and from change indaily minimun wage for economic zone A in table T7MX62. Check this boxif changes originated from the later source must be reported to ISSSTEas well as the former. If the box is unchecked, the change originatedfrom the later will not be reported while the change from the formerwill be. Note that if the change originated from the minimum wage shouldbe considered, employees affected are only those with basic quotationwage equals to basic quotation wage calculated from minimum wage.
Hiring and termination action events are selected from infotype 0000Actions and infotype 0369 Social Security Data.
Mapping of action type in infotype 0000 Actions to ISSSTE-defined hiringand termination action type is done through feature MXACT. A change ofinfotype 0369 obligation status from 'Exempt from ContributionObligation' to either 'Subject to Contribution Obligation' or Subject toContribution Obligation without a number' is a hiring event. A change ofinfotype 0369 obligation status from 'Subject to ContributionObligation' or 'Subject to Contribution Obligation without a number'to 'Exempt from Contribution Obligation' is a termination event.
Hiring and termination action events will be selected from infotyperecords according to the following rule.
1. For events with start date of the record earlier than the date therecord was entered in the SAP system, the event will be selected if thedate the record was entered in system is in between time selectionperiod on selection screen.
2. For events with start date of the record later than the date therecord was entered in the SAP system, the event will be selected if thestart date of the record is in between time selection period onselection screen.
Change in pay action events are detected from changes in basic quotationwages calculated from employee's records in infotype 0008 Basic pay,0014 Recurring Payments and Deductions and infotype 0015 AdditionalPayments of the employee and also from changes in table T7MX62.
Time period used in the selection of change in pay events has, as thebegin date, the earliest date of the following.
1. The start date of payroll period of the begin date from the selectionscreen.
2. The earliest master data change since last payroll run.
In the case the start date of payroll period of the begin date from theselection screen is not available, the begin date from the selectionscreen is taken in stead. In the case that the earliest master datachange has no value, the system low date is used instead.
The end date of the time period used in selection of change in payevents is taken as the end date from the selection screen.
Change in pay action event will be selected if the date of change in payfalls in between time period derived above.
The 'date of change' for change in pay action events from infotype 0008and 0014 is the date at which the change in pay occurs. The date ofchange for change in pay action events from infotype 0015 is the startdate of the payroll period in which the change in pay falls into and thestart date of the next payroll period. For example, if a new infotype0008 record causing a change in pay has the start date of the record on1.1.2003 then, the date of change of this change in pay action event is1.1.2003. On the other hand, if a new infotype 0015 record causing achange in pay has the date of origin of 3.1.2003, there will be twochange in pay action events generated by this infotype 0015 record withdate of change of 1.1.2003 and 16.1.2003, assuming semi-monthly.
Besides existing infotype 0000 Actions and infotype 0369 Social SecurityData records, deletion of master data records of infotype 0369 can alsogenerate hiring and termination action events. In the event that aninfotype 0369 record which was previously reported to ISSSTE as ahiring(termination) has been deleted, an action type record of typetermination(hiring) will be generated for the magnetic file of typetermination(hiring), when either one of the following conditions arefullfilled.
1. If no other infotype 0369 record of same action type as that of thedeleted record can be found with the last changed date on or later thanthat of the deleted record.
2. If another infotype 0369 record of the same action type as that ofthe deleted record can be found with the last changed date on or laterthan that of the deleted record and with the start date later than thatof the deleted record.
In the following, the most current infotype record available refers tothe most current record within time selection period specified on theselection screen.
tment number), AND ZONE WHERE THE EMPLOYEE LIVES, BIRTH STATE CODE,CURP NUMBER, BIRTH DATE: take values from the most current infotyperecord available.
2. HIRE DATE, TERMINATION DATE AND SALARY CHANGE DATE: take value ofthe date the hiring, termination or change in pay occurs. These datesare referrred to as 'action date'.
3. MONTHLY BASIC QUOTATION WAGE FOR ISSSTE, SAR AND TOTAL SALARY: takevalue calculated for the action date.
4. APPOINTMENT TYPE, BRANCH CODE, PAYING AGENT AND CHARGE CODE: takevalues from infotype record which the action date falls into.
5. ISSSTE NUMBER: take values of ISSSTE number from the most currentinfotype 0369 record in case the record has obligation status of'Subject to Contribution Obligation' or 'Subject to ContributionObligation without a number'. The field takes value of ISSSTE numberfrom infotype 0369 record prior to the most current record in case themost current record has obligation status of 'Exempt from ContributionObligation'.
Apartment number, ISSSTE number, CURP number and birthdate fields arenot required fields, while all others are.
In program HMXUACTPBS, absence of requried fields is treated as error.Absence of non-required fields generates warning messages.

Outputs of the report are as follow.
1. Magnetic files
There are three separate output magnetic files: hiring, termination andchange in pay action output magnetic file. In test mode, no magneticfiles are generated. In real mode, all magnetic files are generated atthe same time when all action type processings contain no errors. Amongthe three files to be generated, any file with no contents will not begenerated.
2. Output screen
There are three separate list output screens for hiring, termination andchange in pay action type and one screen for consolidated list. The datain the list output screens are, partly, duplications of those inmagnetic files. The consolidated list shows the number of action recordsprocessed for each action type and also the total number of action r
ecords processed by the report. By default, the consolidated list willbe the first screen to be shown; other screens can be accessed throughhiring, termination and change in pay buttons on the menu bar of thescreen.
Note that hiring, termination and change in pay buttons are visible onlywhen the corresponding output list contain records.
In the list output screens for an action type, all entries shown arethose processed by the program for the corresponding action type. Thedata in one line item are personnel number, renotification status(renotified or first notification) and processing status of therecord(errors/warnings/no errors) and the same set of data that wouldappear in the output magnetic file for that entry. Also see sectionFIELD VALUES IN OUTPUT MAGNETIC FILES in this document.
As an alternative, double clicking anywhere on the line item formagnetic file type 'HIRING', 'TERMINATION' or 'CHANGE IN PAY' inconsolidated list output screen will also take the user to the listoutput screen for hiring, termination and change in pay, respectively.
3. Error log
For each action type, if errors or warnings exist, the error log will befilled with error or warning information. The log can be accessedthrough the error log button on the menu bar. The button will appear onthe menu bar only when there are errors or warnings for that type ofaction. Each action type has separate error log. If it does appear, thebutton for each action type error log will appear next to the button forthe action's list output screen on the menu bar.
Note that error log from the menu bar is the summary of errors from allpersonnel numbers, for a particular action type. However, doubleclicking a line item in the action list output screen will take the userto an error message screen showing only error or warning messagesassociated with the line item.
4. TemSe file
A TemSe file contains data to be used for displaying of output screensand, if relevant, data to be downloaded to magnetic tapes. The user canwrite to a TemSe file and to magnetic tapes in the same programexecution. Or, he can choose to just write the data out to a TemSewithout generating magnetic tapes. Generating a TemSe file isindependent of whether the program is run in test or real mode and inonline or background execution, except that saving to a TemSe ismandatory in background execution. Only the TemSe file which wasgenerated in real mode can be used later to generate magnetic tapes.
Execute the report with appropriate seletion screen parameters, asexplained in the SELECTION SCREEN section above.
In the following, BQW refers to basic quotation wage. Commissions andpunctuality bonus are assumed to be a part of BQW for ISSSTE. 'subjectto' is short for 'Subject to Contribution Obligation' and 'exempt' isshort for 'Exempt from Contribution Obligation'.
Case 1: report hiring for new hire
An employee is hired on 1.1.2003 with infotype 0369 status of 'subjectto'. The date the hiring date was entered into the system is 31.5.2003.The report is run to report the hiring with key date 31.5.2003. A hiringrecord appears in the hiring magnetic file with start date 1.1.2003.
Case 2: report termination from change in infotype 0369 obligationstatus
The same employee now has his infotype 0369 status changed from 'subjectto' to 'exempt' starting from 16.1.2003. The change is recorded in thesystem on 1.6.2003. The report is run to report this change as atermination action. The time selection period entered is 1.6.2003. Atermination record for this change appears in the termination magneticfile with start date 16.1.2003.
Case 3: report hiring from change in infotype 0369 obligation status
The same employee now has his infotype 0369 status changed from 'exempt'to 'subject to' starting from 1.2.2003. The change is recorded in thesystem on 2.6.2003. The report is run to report this change as a hiringaction. The time selection period entered is 2.6.2003. A hiring recordfor this change appears in the hiring magnetic file with start date1.2.2003.
Case 4: report change in pay from change in infotype 0008
The same employee now has change in salary. New infotype 0008 record iscreated with start date 1.2.2003 and with new wages of 1,600 MXN. Thereport is run with time selection period of 1.1.2003-1.2.2003 to reportthis change in pay. A record for this change is created in change in paymagnetic file with start date 1.2.2003.
Infotype 0008 amount start dateend date
Employee wages 1,500 1.1.200331.1.2003
Employee wages 1,600 1.2.200331.12.9999
Magnetic file record
Start date BQW for ISSSTE
1.2.2003 1,600
Case 5: report change in pay from infotype 0014 Recur. Payments/Deds.
The same employee received punctuality bonus starting from date 5.2.2003to 28.02.2003. The report is run with time period of 1.1.2003-1.3.2003.Two records are created in change in pay magnetic file for this changewith the start date 5.2.2003 and 1.3.2003, respectively. In thisexample, we assume the amount of 700 MXN is for semi-monthly.
Below, the amount 3,000 is the sum of the amount 1,600 MXN from Case 4and the amount 1,400 (700 x 2) from new infotype 0014 record.
Infotype 0014 amount start date end date
Punctuality bonus 700 5.2.2003 28.2.2003
Magnetic file record
Start date BQW for ISSSTE
5.2.2003 3,000
1.3.2003 1,600
Case 6: report change in pay from infotype 0015 Addition Payments.
The same employee received commissions with date of origin 18.2.2003.The report is run with time period of 1.1.2003-1.3.2003. In thisexample, we assume the amount of 500 MXN is for semi-monthly.
Below, the amount 4,000 is the sum of the amount 3,000 MXN from Case 5and the amount 1,000 (500 x 2) from new infotype 0015 record. Noticethat the start date of the magnetic file records are 16.2.2003 and1.3.2003 which are the start date of the payroll period the date oforigin falls into and the start date of the next payroll period.
Infotype 0015 amount date of origin
Commissions 500 18.2.2003
Magnetic file record
Start date ISSSTE BQW
16.2.2003 4,000
1.3.2003 1,600
Case 7: report termination from infotype 0000 Actions.
The same employee left the enterprise on date 31.12.2003. The record wasentered in infotype 0000 with action type 'leaving', on date 1.12.2003with start date 31.12.2003. The report is run to report this terminationwith key date 31.12.2003. One termination record is created in themagnetic file with the start date 31.12.2003.

The user has two choices to generate magnetic files. One is to generatemagnetic files in the same program run that finds actions. Another is togenerate magnetic files in a separate program run from the run thatfinds the actions. In the second option, the user save the results ofthe first program execution to a TemSe file and read back in a separateprogram run to generate magnetic files.
Note that of all three type of magnetic files will be generated togetherin the same program execution. Files with no contents will not begenerated, however.
The report can be run in test or real mode. The difference infunctionality between the two modes is that, in real mode, databases areupdated and magnetic files can be generated. In test mode, databases arenot updated and magnetic files will never be generated.
The user can choose to save results of the program into a TemSe. Savingresults to TemSe is not mandatorty, except when the program is run inbackground mode.
When infotype 0369 master data record, which was once processed and sentto ISSSTE as a hiring event, is modified in such a way that the originalhiring master data record was deleted and, possibly, a new hiring masterdata record is created. To compensate for the deletion of a hiringmaster data record, under certain circumstances, a termination recordwill be created for the termination magnetic file.
Under the following circumstances, a termination record will be created:
1.,,when the original hiring master data record is deleted, no newinfotype record of type hiring was created to replace it.
2.,,when the original hiring master date record is deleted, a newinfotype record of type hiring is created with start date later than thestart date of the original hiring record.
If a termination record is created, it will have the start date of theoriginal hiring record and last changed date of the record in infotype0369 that now replaces it.
Note that the same process is followed for the infotype 0369 master datarecord which was once processed and sent to ISSSTE as a terminationevent as well, but with a hiring record generated for the hiringmagnetic file.
Because of possible creation of these compensating hiring andtermination records, not all hiring in the magnetic files come fromprocessing of master data for hiring action type but can also come fromthe processing of missing termination master data record as well.
In effect, even when there is no hiring record originated from masterdata to be reported to ISSSTE but a hiring record might can still begenerated for hiring magnetic file because of the absence of terminationmaster data record. Same comment is also applied to termination actiontype.
Renotification allows users to process again action events that haveonce been included in the magnetic file. The records created fromrenotification will be included in the same magnetic file as those beingcreated for the first time when the report is run.
In the action list output screen of the report HMXUACTPBS, the user canget renotification information for each entry on the screen from screencolumn 'RESEND STATUS'.
The user can always choose whether to renotify previously sent recordsagain, except in the case in which a past basic quotation wage is beingcorrected. When a new change in pay action record is created in anattempt to correct past basic quotation wage, all previously sent changein pay records with start date after the corrected record will always berecluded in the results.
If there exist more than one hiring action records in a row from oneinfotype, only the first record is retained in the magnetic file. Thesame rule is also applied to the termination action records.
ISSSTE number in the magnetic file gets its value from the most currentinfotype 0369 of the employee within time selection period. However, inthe event that the employee has infotype 0369 obligation status of'Exempt from ISSSTE contribution obligation', the value is then readfrom the previous infotype 0369 record. In the event that ISSSTE numberdoes not exist in the infotype 0369 it is read from due to obligationstatus of the record being 'subject to contribution obligation withoutregistration number', a warning message is given.
Change in pay events originated from change in basic quotation wage fromchanges in infotype 0008, 0014 and 0015 of the employee. The start dateof the change in pay action record depends on which infotype causes thechange in basic quotation wage.
For infotype 0008 and 0014, the start date of the record causing thechange will be used as the start date of the change in pay actionrecord. For infotype 0015, whichever the payroll period the date oforigin of infotype 0015 record falls into, the start date of thatpayroll period will be used as the start date of the change in payaction record. Further more, for infotype 0015, the start date of thenext payroll period will be considered as possibly having a change inbasic quotation wage as well.
For example, if infotype 0008 record has a new record with start date10.1.2003 with a value of wage type amount different from the previousrecord, a change in pay action record will be created with start date of10.1.2003. If infotype 0014 has a new record with start date of12.1.2003, a new change in pay action record will be created with startdate of 12.1.2003. If infotype 0015 has a new record with date of originof 20.1.2003, two new change in pay records will be created with startdate of 16.1.2003 and 1.2.2003.
For the example described, we assume that the new infotype record causeschange in basic quotation wage. If the new record does not cause basicquotation wage to change, there will be no change in pay action recordscreated for the magnetic file.
If a hiring record from infotype 0000 Actions has been once sent toISSSTE and later was deleted from master data of the employee andreplaced by a termination record, a termination action record will begenerated for the termination action file. However, if the originalhiring record had not been sent before it was deleted, then notermination record will be generated for the termination action file.
If a change in pay and hiring actions with the same action date aredetected in the same program execution, only hiring action will be keptin the result of that program run. For first hiring action, no change inpay will be reported, even in a separate program run.
All change in pay during reentry into the company will be treated as achange in pay actions and will be reported. As reentry will be reportedas a hiring action, the behavior of the program that no change in payand hiring action with the same action date will appear in the sameprogram execution still holds. Hence, change in pay during reentry andthe reentry itself will not be reported in the same program run.,,
When the program generated a TemSe file in test mode, relevant databaseswere not updated. Later, when the user reads the TemSe file whichcontains the result of the first execution of the report, no magneticfiles can be created because proper database updating has not beenrealized. Hence, reading, with the intention to generate magnetic files,from a TemSe which was originally created in test mode, is not allowed.
The program HMXUACTPBS, and its history-uploading program HMXUUAHPBS,have the following limitations.
1.,,Hiring action of an employee must have been reported at least oncebefore any BQW change can be detected correctly by the programs.Reporting both the first hiring and any subsequent BQW changes in thesame program run will also be satisfactory.
2.,,Running the program to report a hiring action of an employee,without first properly creating an infotype 0008 Basic Pay for theemployee, will result in incorrect detection of subsequent changes inbasic quotation wage. Thus, an employee should have infotype 0008maintained completely before his master data are processed by theprograms.
3. If the program is executed with field 'Test Mode' unchecked,it is executed in 'real mode' where relevant databases are updated andmagnetic files are generated, if the results are error-free. If theprogram is executed with the field checked, then it is executed in 'testmode' where there is no database updating and no magnetic files will begenerated. Whichever mode the program is executed in, saving the resultsinto a TemSe file is possible but not mandatory, except when the programis run in background mode where saving to a TemSe is mandatory and nomagnetic files are generated.