Programme SAP HMXTISS0 - List of personnel absences and incapacities

You can use this report to generate a detailed list of incapacities orabsences that have occurred under the criteria and within the periodthat you specify.

This report reads data from the Absences infotype (2001). You donot need to run the payroll for the selected employees before runningthe report.


  • You have entered the incapacity type keys to be reported using the
  • Implementation Guide (IMG), section Time management -> Time dataentry and management -> Absences -> Absence catalog ->Define absence types
    • You have identified which subtypes of the Absences infotype
    • (2001) are incapacities recognized by the IMSS and which are absencesrecognized by the IMSS, using the Implementation Guide (IMG), sectionMexico Payroll -> Absences -> Additionalinformation for absences
      • You have created the IMSS data infotype (0369) for those
      • employees for whom the report will be run.

        This report generates a detailed list containing the details of absencesand incapacities by Employer Registration Number, and, within this, byEmployee Area/Sub Area. A pushbutton on the screen allows you to displayeither the list of absences or the list of incapacities.
        Following are some of the columns displayed in the absence list:

        • Days to be notified: this number of days is used to calculate
        • employee absences for periods of less than eight consecutive ornon-consecutive days during the month (Article 31, Item I of the SocialInsurance Act). The number of days may be different from the number inthe column.
          • Attendace/Absence days if it is greater than the limit set by
          • constant SDSPC in table T511K. The TemSe file only stores the amountcontained in this column.
            • Attendance/Absence days: it specifies the total number of absence
            • days over the entire period selected.
              The absences recognized by the IMSS are split by month, that is, if anemployee has an absence from 01.15.2008 to 02.15.2008, that absence issplit in two periods in the report output: from 01.15.2008 to 01.31.2008and from 02.01.2008 to 02.15.2008. This is necessary for the correctapplication of the monthly limit of the days reported to the IMSS (SDSPCconstant, table T511K). Only those absence periods that are within thedate range selected in the report selection screen are listed.
              The incapacities list displays, among others, the following column:
              • Calendar days: this number of days is used to obtain the number
              • of total incapacity days that occured during the selected period.
                An incapacity is only listed if the start date is within the date rangeselected in the report selection screen. The incapacity end date can beout of the selected interval.
                Output options are:
                • Standard SAP list.

                • Data file in the IMSS approved format.