Programme SAP HMXCSARPBS - SAR Contributions and Employee Catalog maintenance

You can use this Sections and Areas report to report Entry, Change, andLeaving transactions, as well as the corresponding contributions foreach two-month period. The report generates: a check numbers report andtwo types of data files, as long as you have selected the Generate Filescheckbox. One of these files corresponds to employee catalog updates andthe other to contributions.

Before you execute the report in the system for the first time, you willneed to execute the SAR-ISSSTE Contributions Initial Load report(HMXUSARPBS), in order to load employee information; to do this, youneed the data files for the last two-month period reported (please checkthe documentation of the Initial Load program). You must configure thefollowing IMG steps in the system:
1.,,Maintain periods
2.,,Maintain payment center ID
3.,,Mantain payment center name
4.,,Maintain payment center location

This report is supported for twice-yearly execution. In a fortnightlyperiod, the two-month period must include four fortnightly payrollperiods. You will only be able to execute this report after all of thepayroll periods included in the two-month periods are closed, so thatthe system can retrieve all the information required by the report. Itis also very important to remember that you must execute the reportsequentially, which means that two-month period 02 must be executedafter two-month period 01 has been successfully completed andtransferred, making it possible for new transactions in the system sincethe last reported period to be identified.
To execute the report in test mode, just ensure that you do NOT selectthe Generate Files checkbox. The report will then display an ALV list asresults, but the data will not have been maintained in the system andthe data files will not have been generated. This allows you to checkerror messages and correct them manually in the system. Once you havecorrected all the errors and validated the information, and when you aresure that the information is correct, you can execute the report in realmode. To do this, you must select the Generate Files checkbox. Thereport will then generate the employee catalog and SAR contributionsmaintenance files, as well as a numbers report, and an ALV list with theresults.
The report also offers the option of storage in TemSe files. You cansave the report results in TemSe objects for future revision, whetheryou have executed it in test or real mode. By clicking on the TemSe fileRead pushbutton and then entering the TemSe file name, you will be ableto retrieve the results of saved reports. We recommend that you alwayssave the results in TemSe objects when you execute a report in real modefor each two-month period. This is because if you try to execute thereport to consult previous two-month periods, the information retrievedmay not be the same as the information originally reported. This couldbe due to, for example, cancellations, but it is important to note thatthe information generated for the current two-month period is correct.
The report also supports background processing. To do this, select theSave in TemSe Format option, and then enter the name of the object whenyou execute the report in background processing. Once the report hasbeen executed in background processing, the system will have generated aJob. You must choose the Read option in the TemSe file in order toconsult the report execution results, if you have executed the report intest mode, or you can generate the files, if you executed the result inreal mode.