Programme SAP HMXCRUT0 - Profit share calculation

This report allows the company's profit sharing to be calculated.
When running the report, you can specify the following criteria, aswell as the standard SAP selection criteria:

  • RFC

  • Year to be processed by the report

  • Payment date

  • Profit to be distributed

  • Maximum daily wage to be used as a limit in the calculation

  • Choice of two options for limiting the annual income basis

  • Option of separate calculation for each RFC

  • Opción to include days worked and salary earned under temporary
  • contract.
    • Choice between non-recurring or extra payment for batch input.

    • Wage type: the entries permitted in this field depend on the selection
    • made earlier (non-recurring or extra payment)
      • Option for determining free, unique, or fixed payroll identifiers

      • Processing type

      • Choice between direct or regular batch input

      • Name of batch input session
      • Output
        Output options are:

        • Report of company profit sharing calculation by employee and by RFC.

        • Generation of batch inputs to the Extra Payment (0015) or Off-cycle
        • Payroll Extra Payment (0267) infotypes. Also, if an employee is nolonger active in the company, a batch input is generated to the PayrollStatus (0003) infotype to ensure that the employee will still beselected by the payroll.
          When a batch input is processed in the regular way, a data set to beprocessed in a subsequent step will be generated. If a batch input isprocessed directly, the master data will be changed directly, and thereport will generate a list of records for which an error was producedduring the batch input process.
          If this report is run in test mode and the data required to generate abatch input are specified, the results list may be used to generate abatch input.
          It is also possible to display a list of errors and warnings generatedwhile processing the report.
          Technical details of the wage types used in this report
          This report uses the following wage types:
          • Profit Sharing Advance Payment (/45K): used to calculate the
          • profit sharing advance payments paid to employees throughout the yearbefore the payment year, that is, an advance payment granted in theyear be
            fore profit sharing. The corresponding value is obtained from theCumulated Results table (MXCRT) for the year before the payment year.
            • Profit Sharing (/454): used to calculate profit shares paid to
            • workers during the current year. The corresponding value is obtainedfrom the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT) for the current year. Thissame wage type is used to record the payment of profit shares relevantfor calculating Income tax.
              • Profit Sharing Days (/31E): used to calculate the number of days
              • worked throughout the year. This number of days forms the basis for 50%of the profit share payment. The corresponding value is obtained fromthe Cumulated Results table (MXCRT). The basis is formed according tothe number of days in the calendar month, which is either 365 or 366days. This adjusment is based on information in the Results table (RT).
                • Cumulated Wages (/117): used to calculate the wages received
                • throughout the year. This amount forms the basis for 50% of the profitsharing payment. The corresponding value is obtained from the cumulatedresults table (MXCRT). A basis is formed according to the real incomeearned on calendar days, either 365 or 366 days, throughout the year.This adjustment is based on information in the Results table (RT).
                  Additional information:
                  • The number of days in the year is obtained from the payroll constant
                  • TDIAN. To display and/or change this value, see theImplementation Guide, in the section Payroll Mexico -> GlobalSettings -> Payroll Organization -> Calculate number of days in theyear.
                    • The minimum number of days worked throughout the year for a casual
                    • employee is obtained from the constant UDMTA. To display thevalue of this constant, see the Implementation Guide, in the sectionPayroll Mexico -> Special payments -> Profit sharing ->Check payroll constants .
                      • The off-cycle reason recorded in the Off-cycle Extra Payments (0267)
                      • infotype is RU01. This only applies if non-recurring paymenttype is selected on the selection screen.
                        • To determine whether or not an employee is a casual employee, the
                        • system checks the contract type allocated in the Contract Elements(0016) infotype.
                          • This report validates the consistency between the days worked (wage
                          • type /31E) and the periods throughout the year in which the employeewas active, according to the Personnel Action (0000) infotype.

373727Advanced PTU payment (MA40-->/45K) incorporation
390185Eventual employee days in profit sharing report.