Programme SAP HMXCRNS0 - Annual report on payments by minimum wage levels

This report enables you to determine in which wage range each employee'sremunerations are accumulated, by comparing the average wage and theminimum daily wage in the economic zone of the company.
The report reads the table T7MX62 (minimum wages of economic zones) toobtain the minimum daily wages for all the economic zones. Only theminimum wages in effect on the last day of the year being calculatedwill be obtained.
To determine the economic zone of the company the report obtains thestate and town or city to which it belongs from table T7MX01 (additionalcompany information) and subsequently obtains the economic zone in whichthis state and town or city is located from the T7MX64 table (economiczones for towns or cities).
The report only takes into account the amounts of wage types configuredwith evaluation class 14 and classifies them according to the values ofthis same class. To set the wage types in accordance with thisevaluation class, see the implementation guide, sectionPayroll accounting Mexico -> Tax -> Income Tax ->wage types -> Define wage types Annual report on remunerationsby salary level.
To determine the wage range the employee should be in, the reportobtains an average that comes from dividing the sum of all the wagetypes configured with evaluation class 14 by the sum of wage types /40A(active days relevant for tax purposes) and /40C (pension days paid),and in the event that this sum is zero, it takes the value of the TDIAN(annual days) payroll constant. This average is then compared to thedaily wage ranges of the economic zone and placed in the correspondingone. These ranges are the result of multiplying the daily wage of theeconomic zone by 1, 3, 5 and 10.
In order to run the report you can specify the following as well as theSAP standard selection criteria:

  • Remuneration year

  • Company RFC (Federal Contributions Record)
  • Output
    Preliminary report (unofficial). The list created by this report can beedited in preliminary format or in official format (Sapscript)

576582Sapserv for note 0567311, Redesign of HMXCRNS0