Programme SAP HMXCLFA0 - Savings fund settlement

This report performs the calculation that corresponds to the savingsfund deduction in the wage type specified by the user, generating batchprocessing that on execution creates a record in the Single payment(0267) or Extra payment (0015) infotype.
You must execute the payroll so that the said record is reflected inthe Balance Report for the Savings Fund.
In order to generate the report you must specify the following as wellas the SAP standard selection criteria:

  • Wage type for storing the payment result.

  • Amount of interest to be distributed amongst employees.

  • Year for which the information is to be processed.

  • Check the payment type that has to be performed.

  • Check the processing type.
  • Output
    The possible outputs are:

    • Worker contributions total.

    • Total company contributions.

    • Total Loans.

    • Total interest.

    • Amount to be deducted.