Programme SAP HMXCIES0 - State Tax declaration

This report allows you to obtain the monthly state tax values, by Stateand Company.
The state tax may vary, according to the State in which it is applied.
This tax is declared on a monthly basis.
To run this report you can specify the following values, as well as thestandard SAP selection criteria:

  • Company RFC

  • State

  • Period

  • The report will determine the appropriate format to be generated,depending on the month and year chosen on the screen.
    For the official format option, the standard system provides thefollowing Smart Form:

    • The state of Chihuahua
      The state of Chihuahua has its own specific processing (see theselection screen):
      • Chihuahua state: you should select the code "CHI", even though the state
      • is NOT selected in this field but under "State" in "Other selections".This field is only used internally to identify information related tothe state of Chihuahua.
        • Output form: the standard system provides the following Smart Form:
        • HRMX_IESTATAL_CHI, which is exclusively for the State of Chihuahua
          Additional notes:
          The name of the state is obtained from cluster table TAX_IT.
          The company name is obtained by combining the Name fields (NAME1 andNAME2). You can display these fields when you create or change theaddress of a Company Code, which you can do using the ImplementationGuide, in the section Company structure -> Definition -> Financialaccounting -> Define, copy, delete, check Company Code (view V_T001).
          If there is no compnay name in those fields, the report will read thename specified in the Company Name field (BUTXT) of that same view.
          The total payments made is the sum of all wage types /493 for all theemployees from a particular state.
          The number of employees is calculated using all employees for whichresults exist in a particular state.
          The contribution rate data is taken from the Implementation Guidesettings, in the section Taxes -> State tax -> Maintain state taxrate (view V_T7MX15).
          The payroll tax data is the sum of all wage types /494 for all employeesin a particular state.
          The supplementary tax data is taken from the settings made in theImplementation Guide, in the section
          Taxes -> State Tax -> Determine supplementary tax categories andDetermine supplementary tax for state tax (views V_T7MX19 andV_T7MX25).
          The total tax amount (including supplementary taxes) is the sum of allwage types /490 for all employees in a particular state.
          The legal owner data is taken from the Implementation Guide in thesection Personnel management -> Personnel management -> Payroll data-> IMSS data -> Assign IMSS employer address to personnel area/subarea (view V_T7MX0P_A). If the report does not find the information inthis view, it will display an error message.
          If the Legal Owner field in this report is empty, the system will takethe legal owner as maintained in the Implementation Guide settingsmentioned above. If, for this report, you wish to use a legal ownerother than the one set in the Implementation Guide, you must enter therelevant personnel number in the Legal Owner field.
          The breakdown of taxed payments data is taken from the settings in theImplementation Guide, Taxes -> State tax -> Determine grouping forbreakdown of the state tax basis (view V_T7MX17).

          You must copy the Smart Form HRMX_IESTATAL output format and adjust itaccording to the State and your company's requirements (using theSMARTFORMS transaction).
