Programme SAP HMXCAFL0 - Generation of IMSS notifications

This report allows IMSS notifications to be made in relation to:

  • Registrations

  • Wage modifications

  • Leaving notifications

  • To generate the report, as well as the standard SAP selection criteria,the following information can be specified:
    • Employer registration number.

    • Notification type.

    • Format type.

    • Interval of working days for IMSS (Mexican Institute for Social
    • Insurance) notifications. Calendar to identify IMSS working days.
      • Out-of-date notifications.

      • Printing and file parameters.
      • Output
        The output options are:

        • Printout in preliminary format (unofficial).

        • As a list
          In the format authorized by the National System for Self-administrationof SI contributions (SUA), current from July 1st, 1997.
          • Printout in offical format.

          • Storage in a data device. This option is not valid for employees
          • registering with the Institute for the first time.
            In official IMSS-authorized format, with additional printed report ofthe information stored in the device.
            In the format authorized by the National System for Self-Administrationof SI Contributions (SUA), applicable from July 1st, 1997