Programme SAP HKRLSICHG - List for the SI eligibility changed

The report lets you display and print the detailed list of the employeewhose social insurance status has been changed to the following:

  • Reduced (Employee's social insurance premium is reduced)

  • Exempted (Employee does not need to pay premium)

  • Normal (Employee's status is restored from the status Reduced or
  • Exempted)

    Before running the report, you must ensure that you have entered therelevant insurance data for each employee in the Social Insuranceinfotype (0543) and the Social Insurance Premium infotype(0544).

    To run the List for the SI eligibility changed report, you:
    Enter the relevant selection criteria: one or more personnel numbers,employment status (employees rather than withdrawn are the defaultselection), personnel areas and personnel subareas.
    Choose Medical insurance or National pension.
    For National pension, enter the business place or social insurancemodifier if necessary.
    Specify the selection period by your requirement.
    Choose SAPscript or List print for your own printing purpose.
    Execute the report. The List for the SI eligibility changedappears.