Programme SAP HKRCYEG0 - The payment list of withholding income tax

This report enables you to print out the detailed payment list foremployee's withholding income tax for each month in a particular yearand the result of year-end tax adjustment.

To run the Payment List of Withholding Income Tax, you:
Enter the relevant selection criteria: personnel number, employmentstatus, personnel area and personnel subarea.
Specify the taxation year that you want to print the list, press Enterkey; then the default form appears:

  • For the year 2000, the default form name is HR_KR_YEAE

  • For the year 2001, the default form name is HR_KR_YEAE01

  • You may change the default form name to your own form name ifnecessary.
    Execute the report. The Payment List of Withholding Income Taxappears.

351062CRTs for HR-KR+CN (on R/3 4.6C)