Programme SAP HKRCYED0 - Generating Receipt of Exempted and Deducted Income

You use this report to generate the receipt, which lists the incomeitems for tax exemption and deductions. You can print this list beforeor after the year-end adjustment (YEA).

To print the list after YEA, you must have run the YEA payroll for theoff-cycle reason 0005.

The format of the form differs for different tax years. You must specifythe Tax Year, then the system displays the applicable form namein the Form Name field.

To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose HumanResources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> Korea -> Subs.activities ->Annual -> Reporting -> Year-end tax adjustment -> Generating ReceiptExempted and Deducted Income (PC00_M41_YEA_DED).