Programme SAP HKRCYEA0 - The payment receipt of withholding income tax

This report prints out the payment receipt of withholding income taxthat contains the result of year-end tax adjustment calculation.

To run the Payment receipt of withholding income tax, you:
Enter the relevant selection criteria: personnel numbers, personnelareas and personnel subareas, payroll areas.
Choose the adjustment method:

  • Year-end tax adjustment

  • For this selection, you should specify the tax year.
    • Retirement tax adjustment

    • For this selection, you should specify the retire period.
      Choose the output method:
      • Receipt print:

      • For the year 2000, the default form name will be set as HR_KR_YEAR01;
        For the year 2001, the default form name will be set as HR_KR_YEAR02;
        You may change the default form name to your own form name ifnecessary.
        • Data medium file creation:

        • You follow the instruction to create Temse objects. Then you run thetransaction code PC00_M41_UTSV to download the Temse object to localdisk.
          Enter the submit date.
          Execute the report, the result appears.

351062CRTs for HR-KR+CN (on R/3 4.6C)
523352Korea SAPScript form correction