Programme SAP HKRCMIS0 - List for Health Insurance Lost

List for Health Insurance Lost

You use this report to generate a list of employees who lose theirshealth insurance eligibility when they leave the company. You can alsogenerate a data medium exchange (DME) file with the generated list tosubmit to the government.

The report includes the employees who have the following data in thesystem to the list:

  • The employee must have a record in the Social Insurance infotype
  • (0543), subtype 1 Health Insurance with the SI entitlement statusLost
    • You have run the off-cycle payroll for the employee, with the off-cycle
    • reason 0007 Retirement liquidation before regular or 0008Retirement liquidation after regular

      RESET N1
      Enter the relevant selection criteria: Personnel number and/orPersonnel area, Personnel subarea
      Specify the Selection period. If you only enter the begin date,the system takes the end date equal to the begin date
      Specify the print option by your own printing purpose
      Execute the report