Programme SAP HINUUPDATE_STATUS - Update status of Claims / Advance Requests

The report enables you to manually make changes or delete claims,advance requests that are created using Employee Self-Service(ESS).


  • Data retrieval

  • The report reads the Claims & Advance Transaction Table(T7INCLM_ADV_TRNS) to retrieve claim and advance requests that match theselection parameter specified by you. The report displays the retrievedclaim and advance requests on the Claim/Advance requests for Statusupdate screen.
    • Manual update of request

    • When you execute the report, it displays the Claim/Advance requestsfor Status update screen. On this screen you can perform thefollowing activities::
      Change request status
      You can change the status of the request, the report saves yourPersonnel Number as the approver of the request in Claims advance transaction table (t7inclm_adv_trns).
      Delete request
      Show details of requests
      The system does not trigger workflow for those requests whose statushave been modified by this report.
      • Database update

      • The report updates the Claims & Advance Transaction Table(T7INCLM_ADV_TRNS).

        In the Claims/AdvanceRequest section, specify the requiredselection criteria for request.

        The system displays the Claim/Advance requests for Status updatescreen. This output screen displays the following values:

        • Personnel number

        • Employee name

        • Reimbursement type

        • Type of request

        • This specifies whether the request is a claim request or advancerequest.
          • Eligibility

          • This is total eligibility of an employee to create a request.
            • Request date

            • This is the date on which a request was created.
              • Claim amount

              • This is the amount claimed in the request.
                • Balance

                • This is the eligibility of an employee to create a request of areimbursement type.
                  • Status

                  • This is the status of the request.
                    • Approver name

                    • Date of last change

                    • This is date on which the request was last modified.
                      • Off-cycle

                      • Whether the request is to paid through off-cycle.
                        • Reference number

                        • This is the unique system generated identification number of a request.
                          You have the following options on the Claim/Advance requests forStatus update screen:
                          o,,Change Status
                          Choose this option to change the status of the request.
                          o,,Show Details
                          Choose this option to show details of the request.
                          o,,Delete Record
                          Choose this option to delete the request.
                          o,,Save Record
                          Choose this option to save the modifications of the request. The reportupdates records of the modified requests in the IPS: Temp tab tomonitor transactional data changes table (T7INTRNS_METADAT).

                          To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Claims -> UpdateAdvance/Claim request status.
                          Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                          Choose Program -> Execute.