Programme SAP HINUTMSE - Program to display Form 24Q TemSe data

This report reads the output of Print program for form24 report (HINCF240), which is in TemSe file format and displays thesame in ALV format.

You must have executed Print Program for Form 24 report(HINCF240) for the quarter for which you want to run this report.

From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> Utilities
-> Display Form 24q TemSe data.
The Program to Display TemSe Data selection screen appears.
In the Selection section, enter the employee selection criteria.
In the Other Selection section enter the company code.
In the User Parameter section, enter the year and qaurter for which youwant the data in the Taxation Year and Qaurter fields respectively.
To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.
The Program to Display Form 24 TemSe Data output screen appears.On this screen, the system displays the Form 24 details of the selectedemployees in TemSe file format.
If you have implemented the SAP Payroll across a group of companies, andyou have employees who have worked in more than one of these companieswithin a quarter, you can list the employee details for each company,separately. For this, you must enable Multiple Form 16. Alternatively,you can also maintain the constant value as 1 in the IMG underPayroll India -> Other Report -> Form 16 and Form 24
-> Maintain Constant for Printing Form 24QBased on Company Code.