Programme SAP HINUSTART_OFFCYCLEPAY - Start Off-Cycle Claims payroll and Follow-up activities

The report performs the following functions for claims and advancerequests to be paid through off-cycle:

  • Initiates off-cycle payroll

  • Perform subsequent activities after payroll run
  • Prerequisites
    You must have maintained a process model.


    • Data retrieval

    • The report reads the Claims & Advance Transaction Tabletable (T7INCLM_ADV_TRNS) to retrieve claim and advance requests thathave:
      Approved status
      Not been deleted
      No errors
      To be paid through off-cycle payroll
      It then reads the Maintain Off cycle pymt dt for Reimbursement type
      (T7INOFFCYCL_DT). It reads this table to check the off-cycle datefor reimbursement types of the retrieved requests. The report discardsthe requests for which you have maintained off-cycle dates. The reportselects the requests for which you have not maintained off-cycle dates.
      • Initiate off- cycle payroll

      • To initiate off-cycle payroll the report calls Payroll Driver, India
        (HINCALC0). The report then calls the process model entered by youon the selection screen to perform the subsequent payroll activities forthe retrieved requests.
        • Display off-cycle payroll result

        • You can execute the report in update or test mode.
          In case of update run, the report displays results of follow upactivities in an application log. This application log has a Backoption. You choose this Back option to display off-cyclepayroll run results.
          In case of test run, the report displays off-cycle payroll run resultsin an application log.


          • In the Parameters for selecting off-cycle requests section, enter
          • the:
            Offcycle date
            Payroll Area
            Payroll Identifier
            • In the General program control section, enter the:

            • Schema
              Process Model
              • In the Offcycle run options section, enter the:

              • Offcycle payroll (Test run)
                Run Offcycle payroll and carry out follow up activities

                In case of update run, the report displays the following messages in anapplication log:

                • For subsequent payroll activities -The list of personnel numbers and for
                • each the personnel number the report displays:
                  Success messages for request for which subsequent payroll activitieswere carried out successfully.
                  Error or warning messages for request for which subsequent payrollactivities were not carried out successfully.
                  Errors during execution of this report.
                  • For off-cycle payroll activities -The list of personnel numbers and for
                  • each the personnel number the report displays:
                    Success messages for requests for which payroll was run successfully.
                    Error or warning messages for requests for which payroll was not runsuccessfully.
                    Errors during execution of this report.

                    To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Claims -> Start Off-CyclePayroll for Claims Request.
                    Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                    Choose Program -> Execute.