Programme SAP HINUROSTER_CHANGES - Roster Movements

This report enables you to compare the changes made in selected rosterIDs during a time frame. It does the same by:

  • Displaying the following values for dates specified in From Date
  • field and To Date field on the selection screen:
    Number of roster points
    Number of assigned roster points
    • Displaying the following values for the specified time frame:

    • Separation for each reservation category
      Induction for each reservation category


      • Selection Objects section:

      • Specify the Object Type. The Object Type can be one of thefollowing:
        ,,,,- Company Code
        ,,,,- Organizational Unit
        ,,,,- Roster Object
        Specify the Object ID for the selected Object Type. Youcan specify multiple Object IDs.
        • Reporting Dates section:

        • Specify the period for which you want to display the attributes of theselected roster IDs.
          • Application Server Details section:

          • Specify the logical path for storing the output of the report.


            • The report displays the following for selected roster IDs:

            • Company details like Company Code, Company title
              Organizational Unit details like Organizational Unit Code,Organizational Unit title.
              Roster details like roster ID, roster title, recruitment and promotiontype, region, groups, pay scale.
              • The report displays the following values for dates specified in the
              • From Date field and To Date field for the selected rosterIDs:
                Total number of valid roster points
                The date on which a roster point is assigned to a roster ID is called asthe Begin Date (BEGDA) and the date till which it is assigned iscalled as the End Date (ENDA) of validity of a roster point. Aroster point is valid if its End Date is greater than theFrom Date specified by you.
                Total number of assigned roster points.
                This is the sum of roster points that have employees assigned to them.
                Valid roster points for each reservation category.
                This is total number of roster points for each reservation categorymaintained by you. The system calculates this value based on thereservation category of the roster point.
                Total employees
                This is total number of employees for each reservation categorymaintained by you. The system calculates this value based on thereservation category of the employee.
                Total excess or shortage of employees for each reservation category
                This is the difference between the total number of employees of eachreservation category and total number of valid roster points of eachreservation category. If the displayed value is negative it isconsidered as shortfall and if it is positive it is considered asexcess.
                • The report displays the following values for a time frame:

                • Induction
                  This is the total number of employees recruited and assigned to rosterpoints for each reservation category during the selection period.
                  This is the total number of employees of each reservation category ofwhom you have delimited the assignment with the selected roster pointsduring the selection period.

                  To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Roster -> Changes inRoster Points for a Roster.
                  Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                  Choose Program -> Execute.

                  Consider a roster ID R1, for which you have maintained three reservationcategories SC, ST, UR. Let's consider that R1 has three valid rosterpoints of reservation category SC assigned to it. To these rosterpoints, you have assigned three employees that have the reservationcategories as SC, ST, and SC with merit indicator. If you haveterminated assignment of an employee of reservation category SC andinducted an employee of reservation category UR during the selectionperiod, then the report displays the following values:

                  • Total number of valid roster points:

                  • For SC - 3
                    For ST - 0
                    For UR - 0
                    • Total number of employees:

                    • For SC - 0
                      For ST - 1
                      For UR - 2
                      • Excess or shortage of employees:

                      • For SC - (- 3)
                        For ST - 1
                        For UR - 2
                        • Separation:

                        • For SC - 1
                          For ST - 0
                          For UR - 0
                          • Induction:

                          • For SC - 0
                            For ST - 0
                            For UR - 1