Programme SAP HINURIST - Upload Resident Status Data (T7INGE)


This function enables you to upload the Residential Status details of anemployee from a local file such as Microsoft Excel to the SAP system.This information is used for processing the employee data with regard toGlobal Employment.

This report reads the employee details stored on a Microsoft Excel textfile, in the tab delimited format and automatically updates the systemwith information for the year, such as following:

  • Employee number

  • Number of days the employee has been in India

  • Residential Status of the Employee
  • Selection
    You can restrict the selection criteria, based on an individual or arange of personnel numbers.

    The system updates the employee data on the SAP system.

    The format that you must use for the form to upload the ResidentialStatus is:
    Field Description,,Type,,Length,,Example
    Client,, Text,, 3,, 0
    Personnel Number,, Text,, 8,,4000230
    Year,, Text,, 4,, 2008
    Number of Days,, Text,, 3,, 120
    Status,, Text,, 1,, 0