Programme SAP HINUPTX0 - Conversion report program for Ptax table - T7INP1

Conversion Program for Professional Tax Grouping Details table(T7INP1)

The following new fields of the Professional Tax Grouping Details
Table (T7INP1) allow delimitation of Professional Tax grouping:

  • Start Date (BEGDA)

  • End Date (ENDDA)

  • This report enables you to populate the value of these two fields inthe structure of the Professional Tax Grouping Details Table(T7INP1). The report updates this table for all clients, except the SAPstandard client 000.
    This report populates the two fields with fixed values. The fixed valuefor the Start Date field (BEGDA) is 01.01.1800 and for theEnd Date field (ENDDA) is 31.12.9999.

    You must not have already populated the Start Date (BEGDA) andthe End Date (ENDDA) fields of the Professional Tax GroupingDetails Table (T7INP1), either manually or through this report.


    On successful completion, this report gives a list of the table entrieswhich were updated.
    If there is an error in running the program due to the non fulfillmentof Prerequisites, as mentioned above, database updation will nottake place and an error message will be displayed.