Programme SAP HINULEAVE_ENCASH_RESOLVE_ERR - Resolve infotype update error for leave encashment request

This report enables you to display the list of requests for whicherror(s) occurred during the execution of theUpdation of Infotypes for LeaveEncashment report (HINULEAVE_ENCASH_UPDATE_INFTYP).

You have executed the Updation of Infotypes for Leave Encashmentreport (HINULEAVE_ENCASH_UPDATE_INFTYP).

The report output screen Resolve Infotype Update Error for LeaveEncashment Request screen lists all the leave requests containingerrors.
For a leave request, the output screen displays the followinginformation :

  • Employee and approver details such as their ID and name

  • Request details such as leave type, request date, reference number,
  • compensation method, request status, payment mode, Approval status,request error
    On this screen, you have the option to process the following functionsfor a leave request:
    • Display errors

    • To display the error details, choose Error Simulation
      • Update infotype

      • To update the infotype record, choose Infotype Update

        To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screenchoose Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific-> India -> Utilities -> Leave Encashment ->
        Resolve infotype update error for leave encashment request.
        The system displays the Resolve Infotype Update Error for LeaveEncashment Request screen.