Programme SAP HINUINTEG_PA_OM - Report Integrating PA to OM

This report enables you to perform the following actions at theoccurrence of personnel action for an employee:

  • Create or change the assignment of an employee to the roster point ID.

  • Create assignment of roster point to a roster ID.

  • The system calls this report dynamically based on the type of personnelaction performed by you. You can perform the following personnelactions:
    • Hiring of an employee

    • In this case, the report assigns the employee to the roster point of theselected roster ID.
      • Transfer, promotion, deputation of an employee

      • In this case, the report performs the following actions:
        Displays the current assignment of the employee
        Provide an option to create new assignment
        Delimits current assignment at creation of new assignment
        The report allows you to do one of the following:
        Assign the employee to an existing roster point of the selected rosterID
        Create new roster point for the selected roster ID and assign theemployee to it
        • Termination of an employee

        • In this case, the report delimits the current assignment of an employeeto a roster point.


          • You must have configured the IMG under Personnel Development ->
          • Public Administration -> Customizing Procedures ->Dynamic Actions. System uses the entries in thistable to call the required report for a personnel action.
            Consider you want to create assignment of the employee to a roster pointID at occurrence of personnel action Hiring. Consider that you havemaintained that the last infotype that will be updated for personnelaction Hiring as Maintain Personal IDs infotype (0185). In orderto create assignment of the employee to a roster point ID at update ofMaintain Personal IDs infotype (0185) you have to maintainentries in Dynamic Actions table (T588Z). The entries in thistable determine the subroutine that will be called on update ofMaintain Personal IDs infotype (0185).
            Enter the infotype. In this case it would be Maintain Personal IDs
            infotype (0185).
            If required, maintain the subtype for this infotype. In this case itwill be 33.
            Specify the type of processing of this infotype. In this case it will beupdate, so specify 06.
            Specify the sequence number of the withholding type.
            Specify the indicator for the step. In this case it will be 'P'.
            Specify the variable function part. In this case it will bePSPAR-MASSN='01'. This specifies that if the personal action is update,then read the next record for this infotype.
            Maintain the second record for Maintain Personal IDs infotype(0185).
            In the second record maintain the same entries except for indicator ofstep and variable function part. In the indicator of step field select Fand in the variable function part field enter IN_PA_OM(HINUINTEG_PA_OM). This indicates that at the update of the MaintainPersonal IDs infotype (0185) the system needs to call a subroutine.The system uses this subroutine to call this report. You can use thisreport to create assignment of the employee to a roster point ID.
            IType,,Sty,,Field N,,FC,,No,,S,,Variable Function part
            0185,,33,,,,,,06,,9 ,,P,,PSPAR-MASSN=' 01'
            0185,,33,,,,,,06,,10 ,,F,,IN_PA_OM(HINUINTEG_PA_OM)
            • You must have configured the IMG under Payroll India -> India
            • Public Sector -> Rosters -> Map ActionTypes to Standard Action Types.

              This report act as an interface that links activities related to aroster ID in Personal Administration to Organizational Management. Itdoes the same as follows:

              • Recruitment of an employee

              • In this case, the system calls the subroutine maintained by you inDynamic Actions table (T588Z) for personal action hiring. Thesystem uses this subroutine to call this report. In the selection screenof this report, you select the roster ID to which you want to assign theemployee. You can do the same as follows:
                Select the required roster ID.
                Assign the employee to the roster point. You have one the followingoptions:
                - Assign the employee to an existing roster point of the selected rosterID
                - Create new roster point for the selected roster ID and assign theemployee to it
                Execute the report.
                • Re-assignment of an employee

                • In this case, the system calls the subroutine maintained by you inDynamic Actions table (T588Z) for personal action like promotion,transfer. The system uses this subroutine to call this report. Thereport displays the selection screen in which you can see the currentassignment of a selected roster ID and also maintain the new assignmentfor that roster ID. You can do the same as follows:
                  Select the required roster ID. Maintain remark for current assignment ofthe selected roster ID, if required.
                  Create new employee assignment for the selected roster ID. To do thisyou assign the employee to the roster point ID. You have one thefollowing options:
                  - Assign the employee to an existing roster point of the selected rosterID
                  - Create new roster point for the selected roster ID and assign theemployee to it
                  Execute the report.
                  • Termination of an employee

                  • In this case, the system calls the subroutine maintained by you inDynamic Actions table (T588Z) for personal action termination.The system uses this subroutine to call this report. The report displaysthe selection screen in which you can see the current assignment of theemployee. On the selection screen, you can enter remark for terminatingthe employee from the current assignment and execute the report. Thereport delimitates the current assignment of the employee to the rosterpoint.

                    The report displays an application log that displays the followingdetails:

                    • Successful or unsuccessful assignment of employee to a roster point.

                    • Report displays this if you are creating or changing the assignment ofan employee to a roster point.
                      • Successful or unsuccessful assignment of roster point to roster.

                      • Report displays this if you are creating the assignment of a rosterpoint to a roster ID.
                        • List of remarks maintained for employee to a roster point assignment.

                        • List of errors that occurred during the execution of report.
                        • Activities