Programme SAP HINUINFO_UPDATE - Infotype Update in R/3

This report updates the relevant claims, advance payment infotypes forapproved claim, advance payment requests that are created usingEmployee Self-Service (ESS).


  • Data retrieval

  • The report reads the Claims & Advance Transaction Table(T7INCLM_ADV_TRNS) to retrieve claim and advance request that havethe following statuses:
    Not been deleted
    No errors
    • Infotype update

    • The report updates the following infotypes based on the type of claimand advance request:
      Loans infotype (0045) for advance requests having payment mode asregular or off-cycle.
      Loans Payments infotype (0078) for claim requests created againstan advance request and having payment mode as regular or off-cycle.
      Additional Payments infotype (0015) for claim requests:
      - Created against an advance and having payment mode as regular,off-cycle
      - Not created against an advance and having payment mode as regular
      Additional Off-Cycle Payments infotype (0267) for:
      - Claims request not created against an advance and having payment modeas off-cycle
      - Advance requests having payment mode as off-cycle payroll
      Exemption infotype (0582) for claim and advance requests thathave tax exemption.
      • Database update

      • The report updates the Claims & Advance Transaction Table(T7INCLM_ADV_TRNS). It creates the following entries in theError_F field of this table:
        S (Successful data update), in case of successful update of infotypes.
        E (Error occurred during data update), in case of unsuccessful update ofinfotypes.

        The report displays the following messages in an application log:

        • Success messages for infotypes that were updated successfully

        • Error or warning messages for infotypes that were not updated
        • successfully
          • Errors during execution of this report
          • Activities
            To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen,choose Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific-> India -> Utilities -> Claims -> InfotypeUpdate after approved Claim Request.
            The system executes the report and displays an application log.