Programme SAP HINUCURRENT_STAFFING - Current Staffing Report

This report performs the following functions:

  • Displays the following staffing details for selected roster IDs on a
  • date specified on the selection screen:
    Attributes of assigned roster points of a roster IDs
    Attributes of unassigned roster points of a roster IDs
    • Calculates and displays the backlog for each reservation category
    • maintained by you.
      You can use this report to monitor the number of assigned and unassignedroster points of the selected roster IDs.


      • Selection Objects section:

      • Specify the Object Type. The Object Type can be one of thefollowing:
        - Company Code
        - Organizational Unit
        - Roster Object
        Specify the Object ID for the selected Object Type. Youcan specify multiple Object IDs.
        Specify a date. The report displays staffing details of selected rosterIDs on this date.
        • Backlog Data section:

        • To display the backlog per reservation category, select the BacklogData indicator.
          Specify the date for calculation of the backlog. The system calculatesthe backlog that exists on this date. The system by default displays thelast day of the previous year, based on the current system date.
          • Selection Mode section:

          • Assigned Roster Points
            Select this indicator to display attributes of assigned roster pointsfor selected roster IDs.
            Un-assigned Roster Points
            Select this indicator to display attributes of unassigned roster pointsfor selected roster IDs.
            • Logical File Names for output section:

            • Specify the logical path for storing the output of the report.

              When you execute this report, the system displays the CurrentStaffing Report screen. This output screen, displays the followingattributes of roster points for selected roster IDs:

              • Company Code

              • This is the unique system generated sequence number of a company.
                • Company title

                • This is the title of a company.
                  • Organizational Unit

                  • This is the unique system generated sequence number of an OrganizationalUnit.
                    • Organizational Unit title

                    • This is the title of an Organizational Unit.
                      • Roster ID

                      • This is the unique system generated number of a roster.
                        • Roster title

                        • This is the title of a roster ID.
                          • Promotion type

                          • This is the recruitment or promotion type of a roster ID.
                            • Region dependency

                            • This value specifies whether a roster ID is region dependent orindependent.
                              • Region name

                              • This is the region for which a roster ID is applicable.
                                • Groups

                                • This is the group for which a roster ID is applicable.
                                  • Pay scale

                                  • This is the pay scale applicable for a roster ID.
                                    • Reservation type

                                    • This is the reservation type of a roster ID.
                                      • Total existing roster points

                                      • This is the total number of roster points of a roster ID.
                                        • Total assigned roster points

                                        • This is the total number of assigned or unassigned roster pointsdepending on the Selection Mode.
                                          • Roster point ID

                                          • This is the unique system generated number of a roster point.
                                            • Roster title

                                            • This is the title of a roster point ID.
                                              • Sequence cycle

                                              • Sequence cycle (Rosters)

                                              • Vacancy Date

                                              • This is the date from which you can assign an employee to a roster pointID.
                                                • Reservation category

                                                • This is the reservation category of a roster point ID.
                                                  • De-Reservation ID

                                                  • This is the de-reservation ID of a roster point ID.
                                                    You have the following options on the Current Staffing Reportscreen:
                                                    • Summary - Choose this option to display the following values for
                                                    • selected roster IDs:
                                                      Roster ID
                                                      Total roster points
                                                      Actual assigned or unassigned employees
                                                      Surplus or shortage
                                                      This is the surplus or shortage of employees calculated for a rosterpoint ID.
                                                      This is the total number of backlog vacancies calculated for a rosterpoint ID.
                                                      De-reserved roster points
                                                      This is the total number de-reserved roster points of a roster ID.
                                                      • App Log - Choose this option to display an application log. The
                                                      • application log displays the following details:
                                                        The IDs of roster points for whom the backlog data was not calculatedproperly.
                                                        Errors during execution of this report.

                                                        To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Roster -> CurrentStaffing in a Roster.
                                                        Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                                                        Choose Program -> Execute.