Programme SAP HINUCREATE_RSTR_PTS - Create Roster Points

The report creates the specified number of roster points for selectedroster IDs. It creates the roster points on a date specified on theselection screen. The report creates the roster points as follows:

  • It checks for existing roster points of selected roster IDs.

  • If no roster points exist, it creates new roster points. The sequence
  • number of the roster points starts from 1.
    Consider a roster ID R1 that does not have any roster points. To createtwo new roster points for this roster ID, enter 2 in the No.of Roster Points field. The report creates the following rosterpoints:
    RP1 with sequence number 1
    RP2 with sequence number 2
    • If roster points exist, it creates new roster points in continuation
    • with the existing roster points. The report creates new roster pointonly if there are no gaps in the existing roster points of the selectedroster IDs. If there are gaps in the roster points it displays an errormessage to close the gaps.
      Consider a roster ID R1, having 20 roster points without gaps. To create40 roster points for this roster ID, enter 40 in the No. ofRoster Points field. The report has to create 20 additional rosterpoints that have sequence number in continuation with the sequencenumber of the existing roster points. As the highest sequence number is20, the report creates a new roster point ID having sequence number 21.This process it repeated until creation of roster point ID that has asequence number 40.
      For creation of roster points, you have to specify the required numberof roster points that you want to have for a roster ID on the selectionscreen. If the number of roster points specified by you is equal to orless than the existing number of roster points of the roster ID thesystem displays an error message.


      • Roster Details section:

      • Specify the following details:
        Roster ID
        Date for creation for roster points
        Number of roster points that you want to create
        • Logical File Names for output section:

        • Specify the logical path for storing the output of the report.

          When you execute the report, the system displays the Create RosterPoints output screen. This output screen displays the followingattributes of roster points for selected IDs:

          • Roster point ID

          • This is the unique system generated number of a roster point.
            • Roster point title

            • This is the title of the roster point ID.
              • Begin date

              • End Date

              • Sequence number

              • This is the unique system generated number of a roster point ID.
                • Category

                • This is the reservation category of a roster point ID.
                  Choose App.Log option on the Create Roster Points screento display an application log. This application log displays thefollowing details:
                  • Success messages for roster point IDs that the system could create
                  • successfully in the database.
                    • Error or warning messages for roster point IDs that the system could not
                    • create successfully in the database.

                      To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Roster -> Create RosterPoints for a Roster.
                      Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                      Choose Program -> Execute.