Programme SAP HINIESI0 - Batch program for ESI - India

Batch program for Employees' State Insurance (ESI) India (HINIESI0)

This function automates the process of identifying and delimitingrecords for employees who are not eligible to contribute towardsEmployees State Insurance (ESI) in the Other Statutory Deductions
infotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for ESI. This is run at thebeginning of each contribution period, which is semi-annual at present.
This is a non-statutory report run by the employer to delimit therecords of employees who are not eligible to contribute.

You must create a record for each employee in the Basic Payinfotype (0008) and have the previous month's payroll resultsavailable.


  • The report reads the previous months payroll results and checks for the
  • employee's eligibility to contribute towards ESI.
    • The report can be configured to run automatically by specifying the
    • session, user name and the date.
      • The report automatically delimits the records in the Other
      • Statutory Deductions infotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for ESI, basedon the results generated.

        You can restrict the employees selected by entering an individual or arange of:

        • Personnel no

        • Payroll area

        • You can restrict the date for delimiting records in the Enter enddate for delimiting field.
          Enter the user parameters such as:
          • Session name

          • User

          • Lock date

          • Mark the Keep session checkbox to retain the existing sessionafter the run.

            On running this report the records of employees who are not eligible tocontribute towards ESI are delimited in the Other StatutoryDeductions infotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for Employees StateInsurance (ESI).

            Choose Human resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> Perpayroll period -> Lists/statistics -> ESI reports -> Batchprogram for ESI.
            Enter the selection criteria such as an individual or a range ofpersonnel number and payroll area.
            You can restrict the last date for delimiting records from theEnter end date for delimiting field.
            Enter the user criteria such as the name of the session and user in theappropriate fields.
            Enter the date on which you want to automatically run the report in theLock Date field.
            Flag the Keep session checkbox to retain the existing sessionafter the run.
            Choose Program -> Execute.

            Mr. Ajay receives an increase in pay, effective 1st April 2000. Thisincrement disqualifies him from contribution to ESI as his income isabove the ESI eligibility limit.
            Mr. Ajay's employer must now delimit this record from the OtherStatutory Deductions infotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for ESI, alongwith the other employee's who are not eligible to contribute. To dothis, the employer runs this report, which identifies and accordinglydelimits the record.