Purpose This function generates the legal forms for the Labour Welfare Fund > (LWF) contributions. The layout of the forms and of the informationprovided therein differs from one state to another. For example, the LWF form for the State of Tamil Nadu differs from thatof Karnataka or Maharashtra. As the LWF form is different for the different states, the reportgenerates a LWF form based on the LWF Grouping> of the selectedemployee(s). In the SAP system, you have the option of grouping the employees intoseparate groups for LWF contributions, based on thePersonnel Area and Personnel Subarea>. You canalso define the different contribution amount for these LWF Groupings.The contribution amount is statutory and may vary from one state toanother. The MaintainCategorization for LWF-Maharastra feature (40LCM)> groups the emp loyees into different groups. For more information, see the IMG under Payroll India> ->Other Statutory and Non-Statutory Deductions ->Maintain the Position of an employee for theLabour Welfare Fund>>Integration Prerequisites
- Employee is eligible for LWF contribution.
- Payroll of the employee is processed for relevant period (period for
which report is generated) and the contribution is done for the labourwelfare fund .Features Selection Standard_variants Output Activities To access the report from the SAP Easy Access> screen, chooseHuman Resources - > Payroll> -> Asia/Pacific> -> India>-> Subsequent Activities> -> Other Periods> -> LegalReports> -> Labour Welfare Fund> -> LWF Report>. Enter the relevant selection criteria. Select the required LWF Grouping>. If LWF grouping is set to Maharashtra, then following activities arerequired: Enter the Establishment Code> No>. Enter the Establishment Class> of the organization Enter the Cheque/Draft/Money order> Enter the Date of Submission> To generate the report, choose Program> -> Execute>. For the selected range of personnel numbers, the report displays the LWFcontribution by both the employee and employer.