Programme SAP HINCLON1 - HR-IN : Loan Report to display Principal, interest and subsidy

HR-IN: Loans Summary Report (HINCLON1)

You can run this report to display the loans status of employees.


Following are the details that you have to enter in the entry screen ofthe report:

  • Employee selection criteria - You can select a single or a range of
  • employees
    • Loan Type

    • Evaluation Period
    • Output
      Following details are displayed when you run the report:

      • Employee Number

      • Employee Name

      • Loan Type

      • Sequence Number

      • Principal Latest Month - Principal amount paid by the employee in the
      • last month
        • Principal for the Period - Total principal amount paid by the employee
        • in the entire period selected
          • Interest Latest Month - Interest paid by the employee in the last month

          • Interest for the Period - Interest paid by the employee in the entire
          • period selected
            • Interest Subsidy Latest Month - The amount of interest subsidy that the
            • employee has received in the last month by the employer
              • Interest Subsidy for the Period - The amount of interest subsidy that
              • the employee has received by the employer in the entire period selected
                • Maturity Date - Date on which the employee will pay or has paid the
                • last installment
                  • Pre Closure - Pre-closure amounts paid by the employee
                  • Activities
                    From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources-> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India ->Utilities -> Loans -> Loans Summary Report.
                    The Loans Summary Report screen appears.
                    Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                    In the Loan Details section,
                    Enter a single or a range of Loan Types.
                    Enter the period for which you want the loan status in theEvaluation Period field.
                    Select Program -> Execute.
                    The HR-IN: Loan Report output screen appears.