Programme SAP HINCF24Q - Print program for form 24q

Print Program for Form 24Q (HINCF24Q)

This report enables you to generate e-file and print, for the selectedemployees, the following parts of Form 24Q:

  • Details of Salary Paid and Tax Deducted thereon from the Employee

  • This part displays the income, deductions, tax and challan details ofthe selected employees for the financial year.
    • Form 27A

    • This is a coversheet for the e-filing of Form 24Q. This has to besubmitted to the tax office in a physical form.
      You must submit an electronic copy of Form 24Q to the tax office foreach quarter from financial year 2005-2006 onwards. The report generatesthe required e-file. However, you have the option to filter theemployees for whom you want to generate the form. In cases, whereif thereport generates multiple e-files for a single TAN, you can mergethese files using E-File Consolidation Program for Form24Q report (HINCF24C).

      The report reads the:

      • PAN, TAN and the GIR of the employer through the
      • Feature to returnEmployer ITax related data (40ECC). To maintain this feature, go tothe IMG under Payroll India -> Tax -> Basic Settings
        -> Maintain Feature to Return EmployerIncomeTax Related Data.
        • PAN/GIR of the employee from the Personal Ids infotype (0185)
        • 0002 subtype.
          • Results Table for the income, deductions and tax details of the selected
          • employees, for the quarter.
            • Cluster table for the challan details. Challan Mapping
            • Program for Tax Deductions report (HINUCMAP) updates the clustertable with the challan details.


              • You must run the Challan Mapping Program for Tax Deductions
              • report (HINUCMAP) to map all the employees for whom you are running thisreport.
                • You must have the payroll results for all the periods in the quarter for
                • which the employees have been with your organization.



                  • It is mandatory to enter the Company Code for the employee.

                  • If you enter the Personnel Number, Personnel Subarea,
                  • Payroll Area, Employee Group Subgroup Grouping orCompany Code, the report reads all records that exist for thatPersonnel Number, Personnel SubareaPayroll Area,Employee Group Subgroup Grouping or Company Code only.
                    • You have to enter the financial year and the quarter in that financial
                    • year for which the report is valid. In the printed report, the Datefrom which employed field displays either the quarter begin date orthe date on which the employee joins the organization, whichever islater. The Date upto which employed field displays either the qu
                      arter end date or the date on which the employee leaves theorganization, whichever is earlier.
                      • Specify the quarter (1 - 4) for which you want to generate
                      • the form. It is mandatory to specify the quarter.
                        • In the Personnel No. of Person Resp. field, you must enter the
                        • Personnel Number of a person from your organization. The reportreads the master data records of this person for the required details.This person has to sign on the form.
                          • If the address of the employer has changed since the last time that the
                          • employer has filed tax returns, select the Change in Addr. ofEmployer indicator.
                            • If the address of the person responsible has changed since the last time
                            • that the employer has filed tax returns, select the Change in Addr.of Person Resp. indicator.
                              • Indicate whether the type of employer filing Form 24Q is a Government
                              • organization or not.
                                • Enter the Employer Branch/Division. The system prints this on
                                • Form 24Q and Form 27A.
                                  • Enter the Report Date and the Report Place. The
                                  • information that you enter is printed on the form.

                                    From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> SubsequentActivities -> Other Periods -> Legal Reports ->Form24Q.
                                    The Print Program for Form 24Q screen appears.
                                    In the Selection section, enter the personnel selection criteria.The system further filters the employees for generating Form 24Q basedon the information you enter here.
                                    In the Other Selections section, enter the Company Code.System generates Form 24Q for the employees selected according to thecriteria specified.
                                    Enter the User Parameters.
                                    Choose Program -> Execute.
                                    System displays List of Employees selected output screen.
                                    On the output screen you can:
                                    View the following lists in the ALV format and download them asworksheets:
                                    - Deductee wise details of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
                                    - Salary Details in case of last quarter
                                    - Income Tax details
                                    - Challan details
                                    Display the information in a tree structure. To do so, chooseDisplay e-file.
                                    Display the list of errors that could occur while generating Form 24Q.To do do, choose Error List.
                                    Download e-file for Form 24Q
                                    Print Form 27A