Programme SAP HINCF24C - e-File Consolidation Program for Form 24Q

You have grouped employees across multiple Company Codes.However, the multiple Company Codes share the same Tax DeductionAccount Number (TAN). Print program for form 24 report(HINCF240) generates Form 24Q e-File at Company Code level.Hence there are multiple e-Files that need to be submitted under thesame TAN.
You can use this report to consolidate the various e-Files into a singlee-File, which you can submit to the tax authorities.


  • You have Form 24Q e-File downloaded with the required naming convention
  • in a folder.
    Note: You must store the e-Files with the naming format as F24**_##.txt,where
    ** indicates the quarter of the financial year for which the e-File isgenerated
    ## indicates the serial number of the e-File. Serial number shouldstart from 01.
    An e-File generated for the first quarter and having serial number 01,should be named as F24Q1_01.txt.
    • You have validated all the e-Files using the File Validation Utility
    • (FVU), provided by the tax authorities.
      • Employee belongs to a single Company Code within a payroll
      • period.

        On SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> Utilities
        -> Form 24Q e-File Consolidation Utility.
        Select the location of the folder, in which you have saved the e-Files.
        Select the location of the folder in which you want to save theconsolidated e-File.
        To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute. Theconsolidated e-File is stored in the output folder you specified.
        Note: Validate the consolidated e-File using the File Validation Utility(FVU), before submission to the tax authorities.