Programme SAP HINCF240 - Print program for form 24

Print Program for Form 24 (HINCF240)

This report enables you to print, for the selected employees, thefollowing parts of Form 24 and Form 24Q:
Details of Salary Paid and Tax Deducted thereon from the Employee
This part displays the income, deductions and tax details of theselected employees for the financial year.
The annexure displays the particulars of perquisites and amount ofaccretion to Employee's Provident FundAccount for the financial year.
Form 27A
This is a coversheet for the e-filing of Form 24. This has to besubmitted to the tax office in a physical form.

  • An electronic copy of Form 24 has to be submitted by the employer to the
  • tax office before May 31 for thepreceding financial year, example,before May 31, 2004 for the financial year 2003 - 2004.
    • An electronic copy of Form 24Q has to be submitted by the employer to
    • the tax office for each quarter from financial year 2005-2006 onwards.
      • If you have implemented the SAP Payroll across a group of companies, and
      • you have employees who haveworked in more than one of these companieswithin a financial year or a quarter, you can list their details fortheperiod of his/her employment in Form 24 or Form 24Q of each of thesecompanies. This happens only whenyou enable Multiple Form 16. Howeveryou can also list empoyees details for the period of his/heremploymentin Form 24Q of each of these companies by maintaining theconstant value as 1 in the IMG under Payroll India ->Other Report -> Form 16 and Form 24 ->Maintain Constant for Printing Form 24Q Basedon Company Code.
        If an employee has been with a Group for discontinuous periods, in thesame financial year or a quarter, the employee will belisted in Form 24or Form 24Q of the Group for each continuous employment with the Group.For example, an employee has been with:
        Group 1 of ABC between April 1, 2001 - July 31, 2001
        Group 2 of ABC between August 1, 2001 - December 31, 2001
        Group 1 of ABC between January 1, 2002 - March 31, 2002
        In this case, the employee will be listed twice in the Form 24 of Group1 and once in the Form 24 of Group 2.

        The report reads the:

        • PAN, TAN and the GIR of the employer through the
        • Feature to returnEmployer ITax related data (40ECC). To maintain this feature, go tothe IMG under Payroll India -> Tax -> Basic Settings
          -> Maintain Feature to Return EmployerIncomeTax Related Data.
          • PAN/GIR of the employee from the Personal Ids infotype (0185)
          • 0002 subtype.
            • Results Table for the income, deductions and tax details of the selected
            • employees, for the financial year.

              For Form 24, you must have the payroll results for all the periods inthe financial year, for which the employees havebeen with yourorganization.
              For Form 24Q, you must have the payroll results for all the periods inthe quarter, for which the employees have beenwith your organization.



              • It is mandatory to enter the Company Code of the employee.

              • If you enter the Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea or
              • Payroll Area, the report reads all records that exist for thatPersonnel Area, Personnel Subarea or Payroll Areaonly.
                • For Form 24, you have to enter the financial year for which the report
                • is valid. In the printed report, the Datefrom which employed duringthe financial year field displays either the financial year begindate or the dateon which the employee joins the organization, whicheveris later. The Date upto which employed during the financial year
                  field displays either the financial year end date or the date on whichthe employee leaves the organization, whichever is earlier.
                  • For Form 24Q, you have to enter the financial year and the quarter in
                  • that financial year for which the report is valid. In theprinted report,the Date from which employed field displays either the quarterbegin date or thedate on which the employee joins the organization,whichever is later. The Date upto which employed fielddisplayseither the quarter end date or the date on which the employee leaves theorganization, whichever is earlier.
                    • Specify whether you want to generate Form 24 or Form 24Q in the
                    • Quarter field. If you want to generate Form24Q, specify thequarter (1 - 4) for which you want to generate the form.If you want to generate Form 24, leavethis field blank.
                      • In the Personnel No. of Person Resp. field, you must enter the
                      • Personnel Number of a person from yourorganization. The reportreads the master data records of this person for the required details.This person has to sign on the form.
                        • If the address of the employer has changed since the last time that the
                        • employer has filed tax returns, select the Change in Addr. ofEmployer indicator.
                          • If the address of the person responsible has changed since the last time
                          • that the employer has filed tax returns, select the Change in Addr.of Person Resp. indicator.
                            • Indicate whether the type of employer filing Form 24 or Form 24Q is a
                            • Government organization or not.
                              • Enter the Employer Branch/Division. The system prints this on
                              • Form 24 or Form 24Q, and Form 27A.
                                • Enter the Report Date and the Report Place. The
                                • information that you enter is printed on the form.
                                  • When you run this report, data that is printed under Details of
                                  • Salary Paid and Tax Deducted thereon from the Employeesection of Form16 is exported to the TemSe file.Print program for form16 report (HINCF160) reads this data from the TemSe file. Every timeyou run the Form 24Q report for the same selection, the system updatesthe existing TemSe file.
                                    Select this indicator during the test run of the report. PrintProgram for Form 16 report (HINCF160) does not read the TemSe filerecords that are generated during a test run.
                                    Do not select this indicator during the final run. If you run the reportagain after the final run, you will get awarning message that the TemSefile record of selected employee for the selected period willbeoverwritten. You can decide to continue with the run or you can cancelthe run.
                                    Note: The naming convention of the TemSe file that is exportedis: HR_INaabb_**********. Here, aa = last twodigits of theyear, bb = quarter (01 - 04) and the 10 *s indicate thesystem generated sequence number for theTemSe objects. You can see theseobjects through transaction SP11.


                                    • You can:

                                    • In case of Form 24 and Form 24Q for the last quarter, view the followinglists in the ALV format and download them as worksheets:
                                      - Deductee wise details of TDS
                                      - Salary and Income Tax Details
                                      In case of Form 24Q for the first three quarters, view the Deducteewise details of TDS in the ALVformat and download it as worksheet.
                                      Download e-file for Form 24 and Form 24Q
                                      Print Form 27A

                                      From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> SubsequentActivities -> Annual -> Legal Reports -> Income Tax
                                      -> Form24.
                                      The Print Program for Form 24 screen appears.
                                      Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                                      Enter the Company Code.
                                      Enter the User Parameters.
                                      Choose Program -> Execute.
                                      The system lists down the Deductee wise details of TDS for eachemployee in the different payroll periods. You can select the Salaryand Income Tax Details option on the Application tool bar to displaythe Salary and Income Tax Details of each employee for the lastquarter or for the financial year.
                                      You can total the different sub components of salary or tax to enter thechallan details. You can download the lists mentioned above in the formof worksheets by selecting the Spreadsheet option from theApplication tool bar.
                                      Choose Challan Details option. Enter the details of the tax paid.You can use the details displayed on thescreen as a reference to fill inthe details. The details that you enter are printed on Form 24 and Form24Q.
                                      Save the Challan Details.
                                      To print a copy of Form 27A, choose Print Form 27A.
                                      To download the electronic format of Form 24 or Form 24Q, and theAnnexure in the form of a text file, choose Download e-File. Onthe selection screen, if you have entered:
                                      Annual (blank) as the Quarter, the system downloads Form 24
                                      One of the quarters (1 - 4) as the Quarter, thesystem downloads Form 24Q