Programme SAP HINCF160 - Print program for form 16

Print Program for Form 16 (HINCF160)

This function enables you to print for a financial year, for anemployee, the following sections of Form No. 16 and Form No. 16AA:
Details of Salary Paid and Any Other Income and Tax Deducted
This section displays the income, deductions and tax details of theemployee for the financial year.
Details of Tax Deducted and Deposited into CentralGovernment Account
This section displays the:
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
Education Cess
Total Tax Deposited
Cheque/DD No. (if any)
BSR Code of Bank Branch
Date on Which Tax Deposited
Transfer Voucher/Challan Identification Number
The above two form the main section of Form 16. The following tworeports are also printed along with Form 16:
Annexure to Form No. 16
This report displays the amounts for the different components of:
Emoluments Paid
Income from Other Sources declared by the employee and processed in thepayroll runs
Exemptions u/s 10
Form No. 12BA
This report is a statement showing particulars of:
Other fringe benefits or amenities
Profits in lieu of salary
A copy of the Form 16 is given to the employee by the employer at theend of the financial year or on termination of the employee.
Form No. 16AA contains a Header and a Footer.
Note: Form No. 16AA is printed for employees for whom both of thefollowing conditions are fulfilled:
Have an annual income less than INR 150,000
Do not have any income from other sources to be processed by the SAPpayroll

  • Multiple Form 16

  • If you have implemented the SAP Payroll across a group of companies, youcan issue separateForm16 to an employee for the period of his/heremployment in each of these companies.
    If you are already live with the SAP Payroll, you can enableMultiple Form 16 from the beginning of the financial year,example, from April 1, 2002.
    Once you have enabled Multiple Form 16, you should not revert it.
    If an employee has been with the same group for discontinuous periods inthe same financial year, the employee will get a separate Form 16 foreach continuous employment with a Group. For example, an employee hasbeen with:
    Group 1 of ABC between April 1, 2001 - July 31, 2001
    Group 2 of ABC between August 1, 2001 - December 31, 2001
    Group 1 of ABC between January 1, 2002 - March 31, 2002.
    In this case, the employee will get three separate Form 16, two fromGroup 1 and one from Group 2.

    The report reads the:

    • PAN/GIR Number of the employee from the Personal Ids Infotype
    • (0185) 0002 Subtype.
      • PAN Number, TAN and the GIR of the employer through the
      • Feature to returnEmployer ITax related data (40ECC). To configure this feature, go tothe IMG under Payroll India -> Tax -> Basic Settings
        -> Maintain Feature to Return EmployerIncomeTax Related Data.
        • Form 24Q e-File submission acknowledgement receipt number through the
        • feature MaintainForm 24Q e-File Submission Acknowledgement Receipt Numbers. The taxauthorities issue a numeric 15 digit, Form 24Q e-File submissionacknowledgement receipt numbers on submission of the Form 24 Q by theemployer at the end of each quarter. Hence, you must have maintainedacknowledgement receipt numbers for all the four quarters for relevantTAN numbers for an employee before generating the Form 16 of theemployee.To maintain this feature, go to the IMG under Payroll India ->Other Reports -> Form 16 and Form 24 -> MaintainForm 24Q e-File Submission Acknowledgement Number.


          • You must have the payroll results for all the periods in the financial
          • year, for which, the employee has been with your organization.
            • You must have assigned an employee to a Tax Grouping according to
            • his/her Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea. To do this, go to the IMGunder Payroll India -> Tax -> Basic Settings->Assign Tax Groupings for Personnel Areas andSubareas.
              • You must have maintained the Employee Address constant of table
              • view Payroll Constants(V_T511K).To do this, go to the IMG underPayroll India -> Other Reports -> Form 16 ->Maintain the Addresss to be Printed on Form No.16AA.
                • To enable Multiple Form 16, you must have implemented the
                • following in all the systems and all the clients:
                  In the Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG), go to PayrollIndia -> Basic Settings -> Enable Multiple Form 16.
                  Select Payroll -> India in the Application ComponentHierarchy.
                  Create the Global Field for the PIN_MUF16 data element.
                  Set the value of this Global Field to the begin date of the financialyear, from which you want to enable Multiple Form 16.
                  For example, you want to enable Multiple Form 16 in your organizationfrom April 1, 2002. In this case, you must set the Global Field Value to20020401. Once you have activated this Global Field value, you must notrevert it.
                  • To capture the tax on non-monetary perquisites, if the employer pays
                  • this tax on behalf of the employee, you must have implemented theBusiness Add-In (BAdI), HR_IN_TAX_EMPLOYER. This tax amount isprinted on Form 16 under point 16b (Tax paid by the employer onnon-monetary perquisites u/s 192(1A) on perquisites u/s 17 (2)). Toimplement this BAdI, go to the IMG under Payroll India ->Other Reports -> Form 16and Form 24->BAdI: Tax on Non Monetary Perk Paid byEmployer for Form 16 Reporting.
                    • To determine the name and address of the employer, which is printed on
                    • Form 16, based on parameters other than the standard, you must haveimplemented the Business Add-In (BAdI), HR_IN_ER_ADDRESS. Toimplement this BAdI, go to the IMG under Payroll India ->Other Reports -> Form 16 and Form 24 -> BAdI:Calculate Taxable Income of the Employee for Form 24Q Reporting.
                      • You must have executed the Challan Mapping Utility
                      • Program (HINUCMAP) report. This report maps tax deductions to challandetails and stores it in the cluster tables. The system then reads thisdata from the cluster tables and prints it in the Details of TaxDeducted and Deposited into Central Government Account section ofForm 16.
                        • You must have maintained the Form 24Q e-File submission acknowledgement
                        • receipt number. To do this, go to the IMG under Payroll India -> OtherReports -> Form 16 and Form 24 -> Maintain Form24Q e-File Submission Acknowledgement Number.



                          • It is mandatory to enter the Company Code of the employee.

                          • If you enter the Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea or
                          • Payroll Area, the report reads records for all employees thatexist for that Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea orPayroll Area only.
                            • You have to enter the financial year for which the report is valid. In
                            • the printed report, the From date displays either the financialyear begin date or the date on which the employee joins theorganization, whichever is later. The To date displays either thefinancial year end date or the date on which the employee leaves theorganization, whichever is earlier.
                              • In the Person Responsible field, you must enter the name of a
                              • person from your organization. The name of this person will appear atthe bottom of the form. This person has to sign against his/her name onthe form.
                                • If you want Original Document to be printed on the report, select the
                                • Original Document indicator.
                                  • If you do not want to print the form in the layout given by SAP, select
                                  • Customer Layout and enter the name of the layout created by you.You can create your own layout through transaction SE71.
                                    • The Challan Mapping Utility Program (HINUCMAP) report

                                    • stores the mapping of tax deduction to challan detail in the clustertables. In case, these details are not present in the cluster tables youcan upload the worksheet with the tax data, so that the details areprinted in the Details of Tax Deducted and Deposited into CentralGovernment Account section of Form 16. For uploading the worksheet,enter the path where the file is stored in your local machine in theFile Path field.
                                      • If you want the system to print the standard Form No. 16 instead of Form
                                      • No. 16AA for the employee, select the Execute the Standard Formindicator.
                                        • You can enter the text to be printed at the footer of the report in the
                                        • Free text for footer field.

                                          RESET N1
                                          From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> SubsequentActivities -> Annual -> Legal Reports -> Income Tax
                                          -> Form16.
                                          The Print program for Form 16 screen appears.
                                          Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                                          Enter the Company Code.
                                          Enter the User Parameters.
                                          Enter the Output Format.
                                          Enter the Footer Text.
                                          Select Program -> Execute.