Programme SAP HINCANN0 - Payroll Annual Display - India

Annual report for displaying payroll results. (HINCANN0)

This function enables you to display and print a report, normally runat the end of the year, and displays the payroll results for the entireyear.


  • Personnel Number and the Payroll Area

  • Reporting period

  • In addition to the standard selections you can choose whether to printthe totals or not. You can also select the range of wage types to bereported.
    Another facility is the option whether you want the offcycle results tobe included in the report or not.
    Some additional data can be selected and this data will be displayedalong with the report. Up to four additional fields can be added to thereport.

    The results are displayed on the screen using the standard moduleHR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST. Thus the results can be printed or transferredto a local word processor or a spread sheet etc.