Programme SAP HIEIPAYE - HR-IE: PAYE Upload Tax Credits

PAYE Upload Tax Credits report (HIEIPAYE)

This program allows you to upload tax credits and cut off amounts fortax credits for each of your employees based on information from adiskette supplied by the Revenue Commission.
An employer must run this program before the start of the tax year. Theprogram will create a new tax record on the infotype Tax DataIreland (0359) for each employee on the diskette, with their taxcredit and cut off amounts for the coming tax year.
The program will create a batch input for all employees on the diskette.The batch input session can be viewed and processed via the transactionBatch Input: Session Overview (SM35).


The report must be run for all employees on the diskette. However as auser, you can select for example, the company code as selectioncriteria. This allows the report to display all employees in thatcompany code who are not on the diskette. This can be used as a check tosee if all employee's information is on the diskette.
Note: The field PAYE Upload file name must contain the name andpath of the file to be uploaded. Filling this field is mandatory.
The field Batch Input Name is optional. You can name your ownbatch input session. However, if you do not enter a name in this field,the system will automatically create a session named with the users nameand a session number.

Once the program has been executed a message will appear telling theuser the path and name of the file, which was uploaded.
There are several selection options available on this screen for you todisplay. The icon selections are as follows:

  • To-Be P0359 Entries

  • Select the tab to list all the employees on the file that will have anew P0359 tax recorded created after the batch input is executed.
    • Employees not found on file

    • Example: If the user selects company code as a selection criteria andexecutes the program, this icon will list all employees in the selectedcompany code that are not on the file.
      • Not used body Entries

      • Select this tab to list all the employees from the file that areunsuccessful and will not have a P0359 record created.
        • To-Be 387 Entries

        • Select this tab to list all the employees for whom the report updatesthe Starters Details Ireland infotye (0387) record with thefollowing details:
          P45 Pay - This is the total earnings of the employee in allprevious employments in the current financial year.
          Tax Deducted - This is the total tax that the employee has paidin all previous employments in the current financial year.
          The complete file information for the Header, Body and Trailer can beviewed by selecting the Extras option on the menu.
          To create a batch input session, save your entries.
          Batch Input
          Users can view and execute the batch input session they have created viatransaction SM35 or from the following the menu path: System ->Services -> Batch Input -> Sessions.
          Select the session you have created ( either named on the selectionscreen or system generated ) and select Process.
          You can process all the employees in the foreground or backround.
          Note: If the report is run more than once, existing records will bedeleted and overwritten with new tax data records on the infotypeTax Data Ireland (0359).