Programme SAP HIECLSTR - Display cluster IE (Payroll results Ireland)

Short text
Display Payroll Results Ireland.

This report enables you to display the contents of clusters.
The data records can be selected according to the following criteria:
a) Personnel number
b) Beginning and end of the selection period for the for-period
c) Status indicator of the result records
The selected payroll records can be displayed as follows:
a)'List of payroll records' and 'Choose individual tables' are flagged:A list of the payroll records selected is displayed. By choosing onepayroll record, you can then display the contents of a specific tabletaken from a list of internal tables.
b) Only the 'List of payroll records' is flagged: A record can bechosen from the list of selected payroll records and all table contentsfor this payroll record are then displayed.
c) Neither of the fields mentioned above is flagged: All tablecontents are displayed for all of the payroll records selected.
You can use 'Activate table selection'/'Deactivate table selection'to switch back and forth between the function 'Table selection forindividual tables' and displaying all the filled tables for the list