Programme SAP HIDUNAM1 - Name data conversion for upgrade to Indonesia HR version rel 4.0A

This program converts the contents of the name fields in employee'sPersonal Data infotype and Family/Related Person infotype, and also inApplicant's Personal Data infotype into a full name field in rel 4.0A.
This conversion is required for any upgrade to Indonesia countryversion rel 4.0A. Without running this program, the name fields in IT0002 and 0021 would not show the correct contents that have beenentered previously in the earlier release of SAP system.

Proper customization on customer's side, esp. the country group settingto 34, is required.

A log that lists the conversion process and the errors is provided.After execution of this program, the result should be available in IT0002 (for both Employee and Applicant) and IT 0021.

Before conversion:
1. P0002-NACHN = 'Doe' (for original data in)
P0002-VORNA = 'John' (Internationalversion)
P0002-NAME2 = ' '
2. P0002-NACHN = 'First name up to 25 chars' (for original data in)
P0002-VORNA = ' Any surname up to 25 chr' (Indonesia country )
P0002-NAME2 = 's A birth name' (version rel 3.1x )
After conversion:
1. P0002-CNAME = 'John Doe'
P0002-NACHN = 'John Doe'
P0002-VORNA = ' '
P0002-NAME2 = ' '
2. P0002-CNAME = 'First name up to 25 chars Any surname up to 25 chrs
A birth name' (max. 80 chars)
P0002-NACHN = 'First name up to 25 chars Any surname up' (40 chars)
P0002-VORNA = ' '
P0002-NAME2 = ' '