Programme SAP HIDCJAM1 - Jamsostek Yearly Report - ID

This report produces Annual Jamsostek Report (Indonesia)

Usually, this report would be run only after the payroll has been runfor all months in the year.

Selection screen
The period selection, for legal reporting purpose, should cover thewhole calendar year, i.e. form 1st of January to 31st of December.
For employee selection, it is recommended that the employment statusfield be left blank. This is to ensure that any employee who is activeduring the calendar year would be reported.
The ASTEK grouping selection field can be used to delimit the report tosome ASTEK groupings (or, Jamsostek modifiers).
At the end of the selection screen, the user is given freedom to choosethe output format.

The ABAP list can be downloaded to user's workstation in some possibleformats to be used later. The SAPscript format has a better look on thelaser printers, but it cannot be downloaded to local workstation.