Programme SAP HHKCREC0 - Payroll results check tool

This report allows payroll reconciliations for a payroll area in aparticular period. It offers four different basic lists:
Display Reconciliations
Payroll Summary
Payment to Collector of Taxes
Breakdown of Payments
The option keys enable you to access any one of the above lists fromany of the others. You can also access the next period, or the previousperiod.

The reconciliation generation report (HHKUREC0) must have been run forthe relevant period and payroll area.
The list of wage types for the reconciliations screen is determined bythe first letter of evaluation class 15, where space means 'not to beprinted' and 'A' means the opposite. You can override this byspecifying the wage types on the selection screen.
The wage types for the payroll summary screen are determined by thesecond letter of evaluation class 15. The letter determines the placeon the screen where the wage type is printed (and cumulated):
'A' gross payment 'F' negative gross payment
'B' other payment 'G' negative other payment
'C' deductions 'H' negative deductions
'D' net pay 'I' negative net pay
'E' employer cost 'J' negative employer cost
The 'small employer' checkbox applies to the 'payment to collector oftaxes' screen only.
The 'keep leavers till end of year' checkbox enables you to specify areport mode which includes employees who left during the current taxyear. As they have no payroll results, their cumulative results wouldnot usually be included in the results of the whole payroll area.

The reconciliations display shows this period's results for the payrollarea. Display is set up so that the 'basic equation of payrollreconciliation' contains the following:
cumulated_results_in_this_period_for_this_period =
+ results_in_this_period_for_this_period
+ retroactive_changes_in_this_period_for_previous_periods_this_year
+ adjustments
where 'adjustments' refers to changes in the membership of the payrollarea. If the basic equation does not hold for a wage type, it isdisplayed in red. From this screen, you can access further informationon retroactive changes and adjustments.
The payroll summary shows cumulative values for the whole payroll area,including employers' costs. If payments on the one hand and deductionsand net pay on the other do not match, a warning is displayed.
The 'payment to collector of taxes' is used to audit the tax paid andNI paid.
The 'breakdown of payments' provides a figure per method of payment forthe number of employees paid and the total amount. A warning isdisplayed if the payments do not match wage type /560 (amount paid).