Programme SAP HFIUCPL0 - Personnel numbers that have to be unlocked for payroll runs

Check personnel numbers locked due to master data maintenance

In order to run payroll, every selected personnel number has to beunlocked before being accessed by the payroll driver. This report givesan overview of all personnel numbers that are currently locked by otherusers (including any reference personnel numbers from infotype 0031).In addition to the list of locked personnel numbers, e-mails can besent to the locking users to inform them, for example, that a payrollrun is scheduled and therefore all personnel numbers have to beunlocked.
This report can also be used to terminate the sessions of the lockingusers. This feature should be used very carefully. Please note that thetermination feature can only be carried out by those users who have thecorresponding system administration authorizations.


Run this report to get a list of all currently locked personnel numbers- if the mail mode is selected, all locking users will get a mail viaSAPOffice (system internal) informing them that they have locked somemaster data.
The text of the mail consists of a header, two lines introducing thelocked personnel numbers, one line per locked number plus three linesof signature that are predefined in the text elements. These brieflydescribe the intention of the mail.
The mails are sent out as express mails that force a popup on thescreen of the person locking master data.
If you select the 'Delete locking users' sessions flag, all users thatare locking personnel numbers will get their logon sessions terminatedas is done by SM04.

If the test flag is set to off and the report detects locked masterdata, the following mail is sent out to the locking user(s):
Please unlock master data.
Dear colleague,
You have locked following personnel numbers:
Please unlock these personnel numbers that payroll can be run.
Best regards
Your Payroll Department