Programme SAP HFISPOB0 - Statistics: Places of Business (Finland)

Provide an ALV list of employee-specific assignments to the company'splaces of business. Provide download options for text file or MS Excelfile via standard ALV functionality.

1. Customizing in IMG has been completed for the following activities:

  • Table T543B

  • Feature 44POB

  • Tables T7FI43B and T7FI43F (optional)

  • 2. Master data records in IT0033 Statistics have been created for thoseemployees who represent exceptions to the POB assignments in feature44POB.

    This statistical report can be run for many companies, providing all ofthe selected companies have the same contact person, who is identifiedon the selection screen.

    The ALV list can be altered to display those fields which might beneeded for sorting. The standard display variant /SAP&_SPOB, however,only displays the following fields in table format:

    • Employer's tax number

    • Employee's social insurance number

    • Employee's assigned place of business