Programme SAP HFILTYEL1 - TYEL Yearly Reporting

This report enables you to generate yearly pension insurance details ofemployees who belong to Employees Pensions Act (TYEL).
Use this report to generate the following information:

  • Earnings of an employee in a specified year

  • Changes in an employee's pension insurance, since the period you last
  • reported employee's earnings to pension authorities.


    • Pension insurance records exist for the selected employee(s) in
    • Social Insurance Information Finland infotype (0206).
      • Payroll results are available for the year for which you want to
      • generate the report.
        • Absence records exist for the selected employee(s) in Absences
        • infotype (2001).
          • You have assigned relevant wage types to TYEL Yearly reporting
          • cumulation wage type (TYLY) in the IMG activity under PayrollFinland -> Reporting -> TYEL Pension Insurance ->TYEL: Yearly Pension Insurance -> AssignWage Types to Cumulation Wage Type.

            During execution, the report reads insurance data of employees belongingto the specified Insurance company and Contract number(
            You have the option to run the report for the following announcementtypes:

            • Continuous announcement

            • In this case, the report generates information on employees who haveeither newly joined TYEL or left the same. For this, the report readsemployee insurance data from the last report run to the specifiedReporting Date.
              • Yearly announcement

              • In this case, the report generates information on the active employees'earnings for the specified Reporting Year.
                You can also report payments that were made to employees after theirtermination. To enable the report to generate this information, selectthe Include Terminated Employees indicator.

                The report generates the following lists:

                • TYEL Insurance Data

                • The list displays the following employee information:
                  Contract number, Pension Insurance Department andPension Group
                  Begin date. The date display is in DD/MM/YY format.
                  Earnings and the selected Reporting year
                  In case the employee leaves TYEL yearly pension insurance, the reportgenerates the following additional information:
                  Date of leaving TYEL yearly pension insurance
                  Reason for leaving TYEL yearly pension insurance
                  Earnings prior to the termination year
                  New Contract number and Pension Insurance Group
                  Note: This information is displayed if there are any changes in anemployee's Insurance Contract, Insurance Group orInsurance Department.
                  • TYEL Absence Data

                  • The list displays absence related data of an employee hired before01/01/2005.

                    On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Finland -> Subsequentactivities -> Period-independent -> Reporting ->TYEL Yearly Reporting.
                    Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                    To execute this report, choose Program -> Execute.