Programme SAP HFILTUM0 - Trade union membership fees list (Finland)

Trade union membership fees list (Finland)

This report, which is exclusively used for internal purposes, providesyou with a detailed overview of the membership fees for the selectedemployees.

To create a membership fees list successfully:

  • Make sure you have been through the corresponding customizing steps
  • (for more information, see Trade union membershipfees in the IMG),
    • Check the following infotypes:

    • Actions (0000),
      Personal Data (0002),
      Membership fees (0057).
      • Make sure you have run the payroll program for the selected period(s)
      • and employee(s).


        You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs or use additional selection criteria. For example,you can restrict your output to a specific union and generate theoverview either on a monthly, quarterly or semi-annual basis.
        Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the system retrieves all the personnel numbers (notrecommended for larger companies).

        Per default, variant SAP_SUMMATION is used.

        The report reads the data from the bank transfer table (BT) andgenerates a list containing the employee's trade union local, personnelnumber and social insurance number, as well as the trade unionmembership fee amounts per employee for the selected period(s).
        In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allows you toset different views and options for filtering and selecting data,display subtotals and totals, export data to MS Excel and MS Word, senddata as an attachment, or display data graphically.