Programme SAP HFILTAX1 - Finnish ATS Data Presentation

Data Presentation for Finnish Annual Tax Statement

This program reads the TemSe file created by the ATS Data Collector(HFILTAX0) and produces the file formats required by the Finnish TaxOffice.

This program presumes that the tax year has been completed, the finalpayroll run(s) of the year finished, and that the program HFILTAX0 hasbeen started for the company code in question. Please also refer to thedocumentation accompanying the IMG activities for ATS handling.


Select the appropriate TemSe file object, enter the correspondingattributes in the parameters 'ATS tax year' etc., and provide the nameand path of the file which you want to create.
A form is attached to the report for non-resident employees. ChoosePrint Form to generate print out for non- resident employees.