Programme SAP HFILTALEL0 - LEL/TaEL reporting (Finland)

LEL/TaEL reporting
This report is valid till financial year 2006. From financial year2007 onwards, use REPORT (HFILTYEL0).

This report allows you to write the LEL/Tael data temporarily stored ina TemSe (Temporary Sequential) file to a file to be transferred to theselected insurance company. Additionally, you can create an overview ofthe reported data.

For further processing and downloading of the TemSe file you havecreated with this report, choose Payroll Finland > Tools > List TemSeobjects in the SAP Easy Access menu. This list contains all the existingTemSe objects, sorted by report. Click the activity to create a dataset.

The report reads cumulation wage type TEL/TaEL gross amount (
/112) under the statutory subapplication TEL/TaEL gross (
TEL). Only employees with this wage type stored in the payrollresults table (RT) are processed.
You can add extra wage types in the corresponding customizing table (
T596J) for evaluation purposes.
Please note that this report requires that some value(s) applicableto Finland be entered into the parameter / select option field for'Personnel Area'.


You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs (click Further selections to add additionalcriteria) and set the following parameters:

  • Insurance company

  • You can only run the report for one insurance company at the time.
    • Contract number

    • Depending on the insurance company you have selected, a list of relatedcontract numbers is displayed in the <(><<)>F4> help. If you leave thisfield empty, all the related contract numbers are retrieved.
      • Run date

      • Per default, the system date is used. Based on this date, the reportingtime frame is set to the month prior to the run date. If for example therun date is set to 15.10.2001, the resulting reporting time frame is01.09.2001 - 30.09.2001.
        • Test run/no TemSe file created

        • Per default, this indicator is set. It allows you to generate the listwithout creating a TemSe file.
          Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the system retrieves all the personnel numbers (notrecommended for larger companies).

          The report retrieves the following information and generates a listcontaining the amounts per contract for the selected insurance company:

          • Tax reference number from table Time-dependent information for
          • personnel area/subarea (T7FI1P),
            • Pension contract number from table Pension insurance contract (

            • T7FI02)
              • Relevant amounts from wage type TEL/TaEL gross amount (/112

              • ) in the payroll results table (RT).
                Use the tree on the left-hand side of the screen to go through theselected contract numbers and display the relevant data in theright-hand side of the screen.
                Click the Administration button to display the selection criteriaand the name of the TemSe file you have created.
                In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allow you to setdifferent views and options for filtering and selecting data, displaysubtotals and totals, export data to MS Excel and MS Word, send data asan attachment, or display data graphically.

856110HFILTALEL0 - use percentage stored in V_T7FI02.