Programme SAP HFILRIP0 - Raise in Pay History Report

Use this report to view raise in pay given to employee(s) during aspecified period. This report retrieves the raise in pay history recordsfor the selected employee(s).

You have maintained history of employee records of raise in pay insubtype FI01- Pay/Salary Increase - Finland of Basic Payinfotype (0008).
Maintaining subtype FI01- Pay/Salary Increase - Finland records
For a raise in pay given to an employee, you must specify the followingchanges in his or her Basic Pay infotype (0008) subtype 0record:

  • Date

  • Amount

  • Reason

  • Through dynamic actions, system creates a subtype FI01 recordwith the changes and displays the FI01 screen. You must save thesubtype FI01 record, in order to retrieve the history of changes.

    The report reads employee data based on the following selections:

    • Wage type

    • Specify wage type(s) that exist for the selected employee(s). The reportreads the value of the wage type(s) to obtain the raise in pay data ofthe employee.
      • Infotype

      • In the standard system, this report reads employee records maintained inBasic Pay infotype (0008).
        • Subtype(s)

        • In the standard system, this report reads employee records maintained inthe followings subtype(s) of Basic Pay infotype (0008):
          0 - Basic contract
          FI01 - Pay/Salary Increase - Finland
          • Reason for raise in pay

          • Specify the raise in pay reason for which the report must retrieveemployee data.

            The report output displays all the raises in pay, given to the selectedemployee(s) within the specified period.
            To view the error and warning messages, choose Application Log.The Raise in Pay History (Finland) screen appears, and itdisplays the log of errors and warnings.

            On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Finland -> SubsequentActivities -> Period- Independent -> Other -> Raisein Pay History.
            Enter the relevant selection criteria.
            To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.

1017731Raise in Pay functionality in Finland solution