Programme SAP HFILKEL0 - KELA Insurance Reporting

Use this report to obtain information related to the earnings of anemployee in an absence period. You can report the following types ofemployee earnings to KELA:

  • Sickness absence earnings

  • Gross and benefits

  • Vacation compensation

  • Actual or estimated vacation bonus

  • Trade union fees

  • Actual or estimated seniority allowance

  • Yearly bonus

  • Note
    For all the earnings mentioned above, except for sickness absenceearnings, the report reads the payroll results of the six monthspreceding the sickness absence Start Date.
    For sickness absence earnings, the report obtains the earnings from theabsence records maintained in Absences infotype (2001). Sicknessabsence related wage types store sickness absence payments for multipleabsences, separately. However, some sickness absence related wage typesdo not have splits, for storing multiple sickness absence paymentswithin a period. In this case, the report reads the values of these wagetypes and generates the relevant information as part of the firstsickness absence record for the period.


    • Assign wage types that form the employee's salary components to the
    • cumulation wage types present in Kela-application, paid sicknessreport for Kela subapplication (KELA). You can do so in the IMGactivity under Payroll Finland -> Reporting ->Sickness Absence Reporting to KELA ->Assign Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types.
      • Maintain the
      • Bi-Weekly payrollperiods-KELA constant (BWEFP) in the IMG activity under PayrollFinland -> Reporting -> Sickness Absence Reporting to KELA
        -> Maintain Reporting Periods for Bi-weeklyEmployees.


        • In the Absence type selection section, you can select the sickness
        • absence based on:
          Absence grouping
          Attendance or Absence Type
          The report reads sickness absence records belonging to the optionsselected, from the Absences infotype (2001).
          • You can also select the sickness absences based on:

          • Sickness absence end date
            When you select this indicator, the report checks the sickness absencerecords that have their End Date in the selection period. Else,the report checks for all records, including those that do not havetheir End Date in the selected period.
            Minimum number of absence days
            When you select this indicator, the report checks the sickness absencesonly if their duration is equal to or greater than the number of daysspecified in the Minimum number of absence days field.
            • You can also choose to generate information on an employee's actual or
            • estimated sickness absence earnings.
              • In the Form Layout field, choose the form layout in which you
              • want to print the information that has to be sent to KELA.
                • In the Layout field, you can select the relevant ALV layout type.
                • Output
                  The output of the report consists of:

                  • General employer and employee information

                  • Absence start and end date

                  • Number of absence days

                  • Employee earnings in the selected sickness absences such as:

                  • Sickness Absence earnings
                    Gross and benefits
                    Vacation compensation
                    Actual or estimated vacation bonus
                    Trade union fees
                    Actual or estimated seniority allowance
                    Yearly bonus

                    On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Finland -> Subsequentactivities -> Period-independent -> Reporting ->Insurance Applications -> KELA Insurance Reporting.
                    Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                    To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.