Programme SAP HFILHPA0 - Holiday Pay Accrual

Holiday Pay Accrual

This report displays the outstanding holiday pay still owed toemployees. It includes vacation pay, bonus days, and leave bankamounts. The table control functionality allows summarizationsaccording to organizational levels chosen.

This program assumes that the configuration views/tables for vacationhandling (V_T7FIV*) have been maintained and that at least one timeevaluation period and payroll have been run for all employees to beevaluated. Please also refer to the documentation accompanying the IMGactivities for vacation handling.


Selection of quota types relevant to holiday pay accrual is determinedby those entries in V_T7FIV1, whereby the year value must be '9999'.Other years may also be entered in order to indicate that some defaultwage type should override the frozen average value.

Please note that this report is designed to reflect the current holidaypay accrual for the employees selected. As such it will ignore thoseemployees who have future payroll results. Consequently, this programshould be run once monthly subsequent to the completion of the monthlypayroll run.