Programme SAP HFILCST0 - HR-FI: Quarterly Enquiry of Labor Costs

Use this report to obtain quarterly information on labor costs datarelated to a particular a line of business within an organization.
You can use this data to answer the questionnaire on labor costs, forsubmission to Statistics Finland authorities.


  • Maintain the different line of businesses in the IMG activity under
  • Payroll Finland -> Reporting -> Statistics ->Statistics on Labor Costs ->Determine Line of Business.
    • Assign wage types that form the labor costs to the cumulation wage types
    • in the IMG activity under Payroll Finland -> Reporting ->Statistics -> Statistics on Labor Costs ->Assign Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types
      • Maintain employee records in the following infotypes:

      • Actions infotype (0000)
        Organizational Assignment infotype (0001)
        Planned Working Time infotype (0007)
        Basic Pay infotype (0008)
        Tax Card Information Finland infotype (0205)
        You have executed payroll for the required quarter and have thenecessary payroll results.


        • Quarter begin and end date

        • Specify the begin date and end date of the quarter, for which the reportobtains the labor cost details.
          When executing the report for bi-weeky employees, ensure that youspecify:
          Begin date as per the begin date of the first payroll period in thatquarter
          End date as per the end date of the last payroll period in that quarter
          • Sector

          • Select the sector under which the line of business falls. The possibleoptions are:
            Industry sector
            In case the line of business belongs to the industry sector, execute thereport separately for hourly and monthly employees.
            Service sector
            In case your organization belongs to the service sector, execute thereport simultaneously for both part time and full time employees.
            In case of change in employee type in between a payroll period, thereport generates labor costs data for that period based on the employeetype maintained at the end of the period.
            • Line of business

            • Select the line of business for which you want the report to obtain thelabor cost details. System displays the lines of businesses that youmaintained in Lineof Business Identification (Finland) feature (44LOB)for selectionhere.

              On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human resources ->Europe -> Finland -> Payroll -> Subsequentactivities -> Other Periods -> Reporting ->Quarterly Statistics -> Labor Cost Statistics.
              Choose the relevant selection criteria.
              To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.
              The Quarterly Labor Costs report screen appears. The reportoutput is in the same format as the questionnaire from the authorities.You can use the report output to fill the questionnaire on labor costsand submit to the authorities.