Programme SAP HFIFTUM0 - Quarterly / semi-annual file for trade unions (Finland)

Quarterly / semi-annual file for trade unions (Finland)

This report allows you to create a file containing a list of themembership fees to be transferred to the selected trade union/localcombination(s) on a quarterly or semi-annual basis.

To create the file successfully:

  • Make sure you have been through the corresponding customizing steps,
  • assigned a payee to the correct trade union-local combination (for moreinformation, see Trade union membership fees inthe IMG) and checked the values in view Time-dependent informationto personnel areas/subareas (V_T7FI1P).
    • Check the following infotypes:

    • Personal Data (0002),
      Membership fees (0057).
      • Make sure you have run the payroll program for the selected period(s)
      • and employee(s).


        You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs. As far as the trade unions are concerned, it isrecommended that you restrict your selection to one union. There are noany further restrictions, however.
        In addition, you can tell the program to generate the overview eitheron a monthly or on a quarterly or semi-annual basis and set thefollowing parameters:

        • ALV display - no file created!

        • Per default, this indicator is set. It allows you to generate the liston the screen. If you deselect it, you can create a dataset directly.
          • Test run

          • Per default, this indicator is set. It allows you to generate the listwithout writing the output to the database.
            • Include accounting subunit

            • Per default, this indicator is not set. If selected, the reportgenerates a membership fee list including the smallest units withinyour company. You can define these subunits in the corresponding view (
              V_T7FI1P) by adding 3 extra digits to the tax reference number.
              Note that this option only applies to larger companies.

              No standard variant provided due to customizing requirements.

              The report retrieves the data from the relevant infotypes and theamounts from wage type TUM payment (/TUP) in the banktransfer table (BT), and generates a list containing the tradeunion membership fee amounts per employee for the selected period(s)and trade union/local combination.
              Depending on the option you have selected, you can write the fileeither to your hard drive or to a diskette, or to SAP's TemSe directoryif you want to send it at a later date.
              The fees are transferred to the selected trade union via the LeoniaBank in the LM03 format.
              In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allows you toset different views and options for filtering and selecting data,display subtotals and totals, export data to MS Excel and MS Word, senddata as an attachment, or display data graphically.