Programme SAP HFICTAX0 - Tax and social insurance statement Finland

Tax and social insurance statement Finland

This report provides you with a detailed overview of the deducted taxesand social insurance contributions per employee or group of employees ona monthly basis.
It reads the relevant wage types stored in subapplication Finnish taxand social payment statement (FITX) and the payroll results inthe financial cluster (FI), retrieves the tax and SI wage types,and finally reads the infotypes Organizational assignment (
0001) and Personal data (0002).
This report provides the option of downloading data in text file orTemSe file format. Using TemSe file format, you can transfer results inan electronic file format

To create the statement successfully:

  • Maintain the following infotypes:

  • Organizational assignment (0001),
    Personal data (0002),
    Tax card information (0205),
    Social insurance information (0206).
    • Maintain table Time-dependent information for personnel area/subarea

    • (T7FI1P),
      • Assign all the necessary wage types to the relevant cumulation wage
      • types in subapplication Finnish tax and social payment statement(FITX) and customize them correctly. For more information, seeview cluster Statutory subapplications (VC_T596A
        • Make sure you have run the payroll program for the selected period.
        • Features

          You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs.

          • If you do not enter a Personnel number in selection of
          • Personnel numbers, the system retrieves all the Personnelnumbers (not recommended for larger companies).The system displaysonly those Personnel numbers that has the selected Tax ReferenceNumber specified on selection screen. If you do not select a TaxReference Number, the system displays all selected Personnel numbers
            In addition, subapplication Finnish tax and social payment statement
            (FITX) is selected to retrieve the relevant wage types. Thesystem looks for the cumulation wage types stored in the relevant table(T596G). You can add extra wage types in the correspondingcustomizing table (T596J) for evaluation purposes.
            • When you enter a value in ER Social security fee ded., ensure
            • that you select only one Tax Reference Number. The system processes thereport for those Personnel numbers that have the required TaxReference Number. It rejects the other selected Personnel numbers thathave different Tax Reference Number.
              This report gives you the option of generating Tax and Social Insurancestatement in text file or TemSe file format. You can select theindicator corresponding to required format.

              Per default, variant 1_SAP_TAX is used as a model variant for ALV listdisplay.

              The report generates a list containing the tax and social insuranceinformation per employee or group of employees for the selected period.If you select the text file option, the system generates the Tax andsocial insurance statement in .txt file format in the presentationserver. Whereas if you select the temse file option, the systemgenerates the Tax and social insurance statement in TemSe file format inthe application server.
              For more information on the wage types used in this process, see thecorresponding documentation:

              • Base for SocSec/norm (

              • /S01),
                • Base for SocSec/source (

                • /S02),
                  • Base for non SocSec/norm (

                  • /S03),
                    • Base for non SocSec/sourc (

                    • /S04),
                      • Tax / normal (/S05

                      • ),
                        • Tax / source (/S09

                        • ).
                          This report gives details about the Tax and Social Insurance informationfor a group of employees such as:
                          • Deductions from employees SI contribution

                          • Tax withheld

                          • Employer SI contribution